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Acan wasting away


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I recently bought this Acan from Zoanut's Bag o Crap, but this particular colony is wasting away, already one polyp is nearly gone. I went to my LFS to get some Lugol's so I could dip it, but of course they were out, so I have it on order and it should be here later this week. I moved the frag to a protected area by some live rock, out of higher flow and slightly shaded as from what I read from other threads it seems to be the thing to do. I've tried feeding it, but doesn't seem to really eat.


I was wondering if anyone had any idea why this particular frag is doing so poorly. I've got 4 other acan frags that are all doing fantastic and growing, while this one has languished. Is there anything I can do to help?


Here are a couple shots of the frag, this is after I moved it to a lower light/flow area to protect it a little bit





any help would be greatly appreciated

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Where do you have it placed in the tank? Have you tried moving it?


Some of my LPS does really well with high light while others need more shade.


every frag i got from zoanuts did this and died over the course of 2 weeks...



You're doing it wrong.

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How quickly is the flesh receding? There was a thread on RC about these new parasites that were coming from Australia and attack the LPS. They were using dog medication (can't remember which one, but its for killing heartworms and fleas/ticks) and successfully combated it. Is this happening to any other LPS in your tank?


every frag i got from zoanuts did this and died over the course of 2 weeks...

Sounds like that same Aussie parasite.

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i think it was interceptor...and you got no clue what I'm doing wrong...I'm not some noob with 50 posts....my parameters were triple checked daily and were dead-on perfect....lighting was acceptable and everything else in the tank was and remains perfect, it was zoanuts acans that all croaked out...


they recceded, revealed skelton, and that was the beginning of the end....only the acans went down...

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It's only this one frag, I have 3 others from Zoanuts that are doing very well, I had it out front, but have since moved it to a shaded position with lower flow, doesn't seem to be doing any better though


I've ordered some Lugol's dip, but it hasn't come in yet, so I'll give it a dip once that comes in


The flesh isn't receding very quickly, not really noticeable from day to day, but it's definitely gotten worse in the time I've had it (~3 weeks)

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Yes your right it was Interceptor. Ktar was talking about how it attacked some of his acans and some of his chalices, but it didn't affect all of them. The ones the parasites did attack ate anywhere from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch a day. Sorry you lost them Burt, but don't give up on Acans, just be ready with the interceptor. Wonder if ZoaNuts would refund you, since obviously the bugs came in with their Acans.


It's only this one frag, I have 3 others from Zoanuts that are doing very well, I had it out front, but have since moved it to a shaded position with lower flow, doesn't seem to be doing any better though


I've ordered some Lugol's dip, but it hasn't come in yet, so I'll give it a dip once that comes in


The flesh isn't receding very quickly, not really noticeable from day to day, but it's definitely gotten worse in the time I've had it (~3 weeks)


Doesn't sound like the bugs then since the flesh isn't receding too quickly. Definitely do a dip once you get it, possibly frag off the damaged and dead tissue.

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nah, I dont need a refund...its a risk I took...I'm sure I'll try some again some day, as they were incredible...I'm just scared of em now...it was really depressing to watch them fail, and not have easy access to the interceptor I needed...

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I just fragged off the sick polyps, I did find this weird brown, for lack of a better word, thing underneath one of the polyps that wasn't under the other 2 damaged ones, it didn't look like a bug, more like some sort of anemone or something, it was pretty decent size, maybe quarter of an inch long. It was completely encased by bone though. Of course it just may have been the mouth of the polyp too and the other polyps were too far gone to still have theirs.


I'm just hoping it was something bad that was poisoning them and now that it's gone will continue to grow, I will still dip it once I get the stuff later this week

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well the rate of decline has significantly increased, I should have some interceptor by early next week, but unfortunately I think only a bleached skeleton will remain by that time, 7 polyps dead in the matter of a week. I'll probably treat the whole tank once I get the interceptor to make sure none of my other acans succumb in the same way

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Wow I'm really sorry to hear that. Interceptor is something that most people need to start keeping with all their Reef Chemicals. It's too easy to lose MANY colonies in a weeks time from something as simple as parasites. I wish you luck, hopefully you can save a couple polyps. If you have a dog you can go up to the vet and get some Interceptor quicker, or try to explain to the vet what your doing and hopefully he'll understand. The sooner the better :)

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I had the same thing happen with some frags I bought from a sponsor. Only 1 died but several looked unhealthy for a while but now have returned to looking good. I bought the bog-ocrap as well but all of those are thriving... keep waiting for another sale like that :) maybe some chalices or id take more Acan's can never have too many

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well maybe I saved one or two polyps, time will tell if they actually recover, figuring I had nothing to lose, a couple days ago I did a 15 minute freshwater and 3x dose lugol's dip, hoping that even if it killed the coral that it killed the pests too They was barely any tissue left on the skeleton, but it's still there after 2 days, which I'll take as a positive sign that there is a marginal chance to recover

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