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70w Halide DIY - Surprise! Many Photos!


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Hi fellow Nano-Reefers! It's been a while since I've had a tank setup due to moving all the time... but recently I got a couple of projects done that have been on the back-burner.


I took a mac mini case (was going to use it for LED's but scrapped that idea due to cost) and installed a 70w Metal Halide 20k bulb. I think it turned out spectacular! This is going over a future 10 gallon DIY AIO that should be up and running within the next couple of weeks.


I rigged up a 70W ballast inside an aluminum enclosure with a receptacle and a switch. The receptacle accepts the plug coming from the lamp and the switch just turns it on!.


Enjoy the photos and I can explain more about it if you ask. Thanks! B)









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How does the stand for the light work?


I originally planned to use a 1-1/2" wide by 1/8" thickness piece of aluminum bent and screwed to the back of the table I have. I found that the aluminum flexed too much so I added a 90 degree piece of aluminum to reinforce the vertical portion of the original aluminum piece. This added the rigidity I needed. Also, instead of directly screwing the aluminum to the table, I first screwed it to a hinge, allowing me to move the light to one side of the aquarium when work needs to be done. Works great!



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Excellent! :)


Thanks. :D


No problem! Also, just because I think it's beautiful, here's a view of the light from below. The "insides" came from a $10 walmart halogen light. Needed just a little TLC to achieve the fit I was going for.

Also, I attached a small blue LED light behind the fixture to have as a moon light.


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thats clean really clean.


Nice job


Thank you! It was a blast to build, now I'm excited to get the tank going! Just waiting on the plexiglass to turn the tank into an AIO and pump to come in the mail. Stay posted!

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what brand bulb did you go with? Im curious to see it when you get the rocks and water in there.


I have a 70w sunpod over my 14g biocube and Im going to need a new bulb soon and cant decide to go with a 20k or 14k.

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what brand bulb did you go with? Im curious to see it when you get the rocks and water in there.


I have a 70w sunpod over my 14g biocube and Im going to need a new bulb soon and cant decide to go with a 20k or 14k.


I went with this one on ebay...




Thoughts? I think it has awesome color, very impressed.

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Looks like you glued the glass to it- how do you replace the bulb?

And send me your address so I can send the royalty check your way- doing this with LED asap.

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I'd be a little worried about heat, both with the ballast in the box as well as the halide it self. Is there any plastic on the Mac mini case? How hot does that ballast run?

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Thanks for the questions! You are correct, the glass is glued on, however there is a gap at the back big enough to get a new bulb in when needed.


The light did get kind of hot, but a small 6" diameter fan on the wall has made the unit "cool to the touch" again. Virtually no heat will be transferred to the tank.


And for the 70w ballast, it barely heats up at all. I guess some of the 250w+ ballasts must get pretty toasty.


Good luck with the LED Setup bluefunelement! Can't wait to see it!



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  • 3 weeks later...



Just found your thread. Looking to do a 150W MH over a new 20 Long I just got. (Upgrading the 10 gal someday!)


How is this balast running so far? An update would be nice since it has been a few days...


Also, the glass you are using on your light, tempered or not?





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Cudos on an awesome build for the 70W HQI


Now for the questions, :lol:


1. Where did you find the aluminum box that you used for the switch and plug?

2. How does the 20K bulb seems after it warms up? Does it seems more of a 14k blue or more of an actual 20k blue?


I've been looking for a nice semi blue 70W HQI bulb but have been leary of those on ebay because you just never know. :lol:




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