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Sexy shrimp breeding - details?


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I'm trying to make setup for a Sexy shrimp breeding. Was advised on gentle air bubbling and some macroalgae in a pico tank. Still confused about heater - the only available heater guards (plastic grid kind) are too big for sexy shrimp larvae. Will uncovered heater burn them?


All I could think of, was one Rubbermaid container inside another, bigger heated container. But it will be quite massive and ugly. What else comes in mind?


Any links or experiences, any additional details on breeding ?


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78 is way to high to have a house heated too, that heat exchanger will get way to hot and crack, as for a heater why not get a tiny one, get a tiny filter for a 2.5g tank and get a real tiny heater and put it in there, something like the tetra whisper 3i filter, tank out the carbon and put a heater inside of it, you will get bubbles from the air pump, none will be in the tank, and you will get heating out of it too

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Thanks for the input!

The only tiny heater I know is Hydor 7.5W, no temperature regulation. I asked at Pico forum long time ago, many don't like it.

For a time being I bought yesterday ~6" long submersible All-Glass Hydor 50W heater, I used it successfully in ~1g pico with sun coral and Red Sea nano-filter for a several months. It just don't fit inside the plastic heater guard - too thick).


The guy, who has a coffee pot pico, used only in-tank filter for a heating, but I don't know how warm is in his house.


Today found the site with description of the setup for a sexy shrimp - heater inside AC HOB power filter, mentioned protection for larvae, but did they raised it or not - who knows.

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Today found the site with description of the setup for a sexy shrimp - heater inside AC HOB power filter, mentioned protection for larvae, but did they raised it or not - who knows.


I'm not sure how an AC filter would be good to use on a shrimp tank, period. those, even the low flow minis, pull a lot of water and thus could suck in the tiny larvae. we dont use AC filters for fw shrimp breeding because of the major problems.


fw shrimp- the ones i breed- dont have a larval period like sexy shrimp will.


I'm interested in breeding saltwater shrimp too, but i dont think an AC filter is going to work, and i also dont think ANY breeding receptacle will be pretty to look at. definitly go for function instead of form. i think your tank-in-tank idea is a GREAT idea!


Also, i wanted to ask, what size tank are you going to try this is? pico makes me think 2gallons or so which IMO will be terribley difficult to manage. but i dont know how much time you have on your hands.

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I thought about 2.5g, future parents are in such one right now.

But for "container inside another container" it should be glass or translucent Rubbermaid container, they have different volumes.

LisaP from UK, who successfully raised sexy shrimp (thread at RC Raising sexy shrimp), changed 22% of the water daily. No data on tank or heater, unfortunately.


I have not too much time, as anyone of us, but from my previous experience (less than year) with tanks of different sizes, larger tanks (10-90g) require much more time for a cleaning, than 1-6g.

With a good heater and some filtration even 1g is pretty stable.

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well, i think if you really are interested in raising shrimp, it will have to be a little larger than a couple gallons in it's entirety.


do you have a link to her thread? im cautious of someone who doesnt post any needed info when they breed something rare. it may have just been luck. if youre actually trying to do it, it will be more difficult.


im not trying to talk you out of it, im just saying if you've never raised fish or shrimp before, youre in for some work and a lot of dissapointment along the way. i too am interested in breeding sw shrimp, so i hope we can learn something from eachother, i just dont think you know how small the zoae are, what you'll need to culture to raise them, and the space and time.


sorry to be a bummer i guess.

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Raising sexy shrimp thread, her website, my guess is that this is the tank from where parents were taken.


Others were referring to the "purplehaze" (user name) as the most knowledgeable and successful sexy shrimp keeper, he posted some information in this thread also. Asked him by PM at RC, waiting for an answer. He mentioned 5-10g tank.


German link from this thread.


Description and drawings of the first zoea of the Thor amboinensis is here, size 0.4mm (~ 1/64").


Here, Eole00 tried to raise some, not to adulthood - no BBS culture was used, but this was private message, I hope he will post here if he'll see this thread.


I generally have no time and no space for a sophisticated setup, but have a paired sexy shrimps, she is with the eggs second time (first time was in the floating breeders box, no signs of zoae), why not to try.


I placed them in the small tank, because I'll never will be able to catch female in the bigger tank and they can be lost during cleaning.

I have empty 5, 7 and 20g long tanks right now. Or can move content of 10g into 20g and use 10g for the shrimp. Problem with heater will be any way. Plus air bubbling for the water movement should be quite forceful to move water efficiently in the bigger volume. And of course, no "container within container" for a 10+g, don't have free stand for it, and heating will be not efficient.


Next problem after heating the tank, will be heating hatching baby shrimp culture. Icyuodd in the thread Nano-nursery made hatchery in the bottles, heated by 2 CFL lamps in the styrofoam box. I wouldn't rather gamble with North-American styrofoam - don't like phosgen(sp? military toxic gas) it releases during burning.


I never raised shrimp, FW fish only a couple of times, but have a 18g tank with around 50 ghost shrimp all the time, for lionfish feeding. Some are with eggs too.


This is all I know. Post you information, please.



P.S. As for a people, not providing sufficient detailed information and not answering questions about it - it's most common (IME), I though that this was cultural specific. I have an opposite one, it could be difficult for them too.

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I think anything larger than a 10 is not a great idea. a 1-2g would be difficult to feed heavily and maintain the water quality, IME. You'd want a large enough tank for grow out and ease of maintaning, but not oo large that the larave would never find the food. i think a 5-10 would work well. maybe partition off a 10g with glass/plastic and a fine mesh so you can siphon out the tank without touching the larvae. hrm, its an idea at least.


i do agree that you'd just need some type of circulation, an airstone would problably be fine, maybe 2 set low.


i dunno. my fw shrimp set ups are low tech, a tank, sustrate, light, plants, and an airstone in my most successful tank. a ac filter with massive protection and low setting on the intake , plants galore,, c02, and higher lighting (not so successful).


i think your off to a good start. it's not going to be very easy, but thats a part of the fun, right? :)


maybe try halocaridina rubra first and see how well you do with those...?

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I had never seen Hawaiian red shrimp here in LFS, will read about breeding setups anyway.

Do you have a heater in FW shrimp breeding tank?

Does substrate create problem with accumulation detritus under it?

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It seems, that this Halocaridina rubra is a nice creature: no heating, filtration, feeding and water changes, low salinity - less salt used [1], no fancy setup for a young and adults are not cannibalistic, details of reproductions are here [2, 3]. Pity, that they are not available here - easy care and no heating.

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Hey Non-Photosynt


Good to see another Torontonian here.


Just found your thread - I also have 8 sexy shrimp I'm attempting to breed. I was actually in LisaP's thread, but my initial attempt failed. I haven't tried again until recently.


Anyways, if you are interested in Invert Breeding, I strongly suggest you check out Project DIBS at http://www.projectdibs.com/


There's a thread regarding Sexy shrimp breeding on there as well, although LisaP's thread on RC is probably the most informed one to recent date.


Also, if you're not on AquariumPros.ca, you'd probably want to go there to see other LFS in the Toronto area.





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Hello, fellow Torontian! I recognized you from LisaP thread.


Will check DIBS.


I registered at AquariumPros.ca recently, and still can't find reasons for it's high evaluations, may be you can point this to me? What I see, is the most strange forum, full of grocery lists of signatures, obscuring content of discussion. Like trying reach the goal through the forest of storm-fallen trees. Very few posts in the last month, unlike here. One word - strange. What did I missed? Really, no joking.


After digging on the subject of any marine shrimp breeding, it seems to me now, that I haven't capacities nor this project.


If air bubbles are tearing limbs off, and rotifers should be fed by algae paste, absent in local stores, supplemental phytoplankton should be of particular species, not sold locally in retail, and tank should be 20gXH planktonkreizel (by coincidence, I have such tank empty at this time), with not enough details on water flow and heating - articles are full of generalities, like "very gentle flow" with pump on the photo don't looking like capable on this without special additions, just mentioning of heating - like national hero during tortures: will die but say nothing. Whyyyyy?! :huh:


In this post on breeding cleaner shrimp Turkish guy lists the work that should be done. Very few of us have this possibility for a couple of months.


Hobby level article for a blood shrimps tanks is here. With mentioning of flow and heating, as I said before. :P


An here is pdf of the most detailed protocol of fire shrimp breeding in well-financed and stuffed laboratory. Can be applied for any shrimp breeding. This is the best I could find so far.


If anybody has other good pointers to larvae-raising tank setups, post, please.

Sorry for grumpy post.

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The best, right to the point article on plantonkreizel construction (with principal drawings of the main variants), it's use, maintenance and possible pitfalls with solutions - Raskoff. If this link don't work - then through here, to the full text at right.

Photo of planktonkreizel, not a simplified 20XH tank version: link.


Principal drawings of many other devices, used in rearing lobsters (first stage zoea is 5mm), starting from XIXc and ending 90th years, with some descriptions, including kreizel and it's modifications, are here, big pdf. Including some heating.

Who knows more - add, please.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if you go lowtech, you might just try placing wooden airstones (really fine bubbles) under the heater in the corner of the tank... that way, the bubbles will carry any larvae away from the heater... problem solved... also there are under gravel filters that allow you to place heating units under them... ie under gravel heaters.... i know absolutly nothing about the raising shrimp, but it seems like either one of those methods would work fine... plus w/ the under gravel filter, you can siphon water through the riser, sucking water out from underneath the gravel...instead of sucking up larvae...

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