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Well...I bought an RO/DI unit for the first time a few months back. I have been using the water in my pico, and the pico has been having some serrious algae problems, especially after water changes....


I decided to buy a TDS meter to see just how clean my water realy was. It came in today :) I ckecked the sink water and it read 137ppm. Then, I checked the water from the RO/DI filter which is supposed to be the "clean" line. It read....246PPM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I checked the "poluted" line and it read 44ppm.... I tweeked the gate valve to allow more water to go through the "clean" line and I was able to get the "poluted" line to read 3ppm.


I HAVE BEEN USING THE WRONG LINE FOR 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!! No wonder my tank looks like crap. Sure as hell explains alot of the recent coral deaths, along with the temp spike, but that's another story.


Just wanted to vent...

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Lesson to be learned. Just because you have a RO/DI unit doesn't mean your water is pure. It is good husbandry to check it with a TDS meter periodically..

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Well, before I caught it, I lost:

  • 5-7 heads of Sun Coral
  • One Electric green Polyp Toadstool
  • 2 Heads of Blastomussa Welsi
  • and a frag of Electric Green Sinularia

That just sucked...

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Sorry about the corals...

I checked the ppm with TDS on my 140.00 Water General Ro/Di its been in use for 6 months only on a NANO..

I was disappointed when a newly cal TDS read 10ppm....

It should be 0 damnit.....

Hang in their Travis Im sure it will all rebound

In the days back-- tap water is all I ever used--


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yikes! one of the reasons my ro/di is still sitting in its box for the last three months.


i've been busy, ok? :angry:


i'm also afraid to start the frickin hookup and get it wrong. <sigh> i'll probably have to suck it up soon 'cause the bottles of distilled water ain't getting cheaper.


sorry to hear about the mishap, trav. but like seb says, at least you finally caught it.

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Always good to check - I got some bad DI resin from an e-bay seller - went in at 4 ppm, came out at 14 !!! unbelieveable - but it's a good thing that you did finally catch on.


It's nice to check the output after the mechanical filtration, then after the RO membrane too - helps you know which ones need replacing. In the case above, I thought my RO membrane was bad from not changing out my carbon pre-filters so I bought another membrane ($$$) before finally figuring out that it was the Resin... DOH!


This one wasn't comeing back, completely gone, only skeleton


looks like a skeliton - a month down the road little babies might pop out - it's happend to me multiple times w/ dead/dieing ones from an LFS


"hey, can I buy that dead piece of coral for $5?"

"nah, just take it" :D

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looks like a skeliton - a month down the road little babies might pop out - it's happend to me multiple times w/ dead/dieing ones from an LFS


DAMN! I am still a Dumb-Ace lol. I tossed it away a long time back :(

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  • 1 month later...

Total Dissolved Solids - a measure of the purity of the water.


Check in the info section of the site, there's a list of all the various abbreviations and terms that are in common use 'round here.

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