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New tank chromis dying...


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So i was wondering why my fish are dying, heres the story, i bought 3 chromis after a cycle of 2 weeks... the parameters when i first bought the chromis

salinity: 1.024

ph: 8.0

nitrite: 0

nitrate: 0

ammonia: 0


so i was wondering why they all died, i thought maybe it was still going through the cycling process


after another MONTH of waiting then i gave it a try, i bought 5 chromis 2 days ago. 4/5 of them died, but when i bought them i asked the guy to give me a water test and everything was fine

Salinity: 1.023

ph: 8.3

Nitrie: 0

nitrate: 0

ammonia: 0


I acclimated them by just floating them then slowly adding little by little water putting them in a container, so my acclimation process was about 30 mins.

any ideas?

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sounds like your doing everything right... what kind of salt and what kind of water do you use for water changes?


What kind of tank? How many gallons? Other fish? Any inverts? Filtration? Is there anything metallic that is either in the tank or maybe like a Copper washer on any of your tubing(if it isn't an All-In-One tank)... do you spray any perfume or any air-fresheners in the air around the tank? That can have a negative effect.

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34 gallons with a 15 gallon sump

running with a coral life skimmer


i havent added any hermits or anything in just the chromis


although i see copepods swimming around in my tank they survived at least


i dont spray any air fresheners or nothing in the tank.


Tempature isusually around 75-76 degrees


i got 35 pounds of live rock.


i havent even done any water changes because it wasnt needed, but i use ro salt water i buy from my lfs

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5 fish at once probably not such a great idea -- that's a huge chemical impact on a 34+15 tank... and you need to do a water change even if your numbers look good.

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5 fish at once in such a small aquarium with that little amount of live rock and it hasn't been established for very long... that's asking for trouble. especially 5 aggressive fish that have been known to kill each other.



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How can you say that the tank is not cycled? He waited 2 weeks to get the tank's parameters in check and then waited another couple of weeks to make sure they were stable. I think that you added too many at one time, plus they are known to attack and kill each other in such a small aquarium.

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i didnt see them attack eachother at all, they were swimming in a school together. then they just started finding their own spots. i guess ill do a water change, lets see how the last chromi does.

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Here's my guess. You state you haven't done a water change and your nitrates are 0? If the tank cycled, you have to have nitrates. So, either tank didn't cycle or somebody's test kit isn't working.

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