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New RDM 34g


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Fluval Edge was looking great, but Had trouble with the NH3 while everything else was at goal. Had two fish that I could not part with so upgraded.


RSM- stock filter, lighting, skimmer.

Have old Korelia Nano 420 gph

Current USA LED moonlights X6

30 lbs live rock ( 10 from ild tank)

2 lbs of live sand from old tank



Premnas biaculeatus- aggresive little guy, loves his new anemone hosting in <30 minutes after nem was added

Dascyllus aruanus

New Additions 5/28

Nemateleotiris magnifica X3

Chromis viridis X3



Strombus gibberulus X1

Clibanarius tricolorX many

Pusiostoma mendicaria X2

Lysmata wurdemanni X1

Astraea tecta X3 plus many babies

New invert

Entacmaea quadricolor X1



Zoanthid spp (orange) X 20 polyps (started as 10 5 months ago)

Zoanthid sociatrus X 20 polyps) started at about 10-15 3 weeks ago

Chalic coral X 3 don't know the species Echinophyllia sp or Oxypora sp?

one is blue with orange eyes (X5) small 1 in frag

one is green with light green speckles 1 in frag

one is green 2 in frag


New coral

Euphyllia glabrescens X1 4 heads

Sarcophyton spp. X1




Can't add pics because of limit?

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Here are some pics, more to follow.


Full Tank Shot before recent acquisitions



Some mystery Chalice


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Now for more pics.


My incredibly happy Maroon Clown (total of 30 minutes to host after intro)



The new euphyllia glabrescens


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I still have no idea what my chalice coral species are. Looked at store catalogs on line sales places.

I also tried my hand at fragging my zoa's last night will post pics soon, home they do ok. Tried to scaple them cut then scrape of the disc, but not to successful I feel. BEst to use the shears and cut a chuck of rock or propagation disc with the zoanthids, same with the green star polyp, could not get it off the rock.


Pics to come


here are my sexy's enjoying their host in the morning.


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S'more pics and bad news.

My Chromis viridis pair have disappeared. Looked in the posterior compartments nothing, can't seem to find the bodies. Aside from a bubble tip anemone there is nothing that could make them disappear in a couple of hours. But the Maroon clown chases everything away from it.


Nem in the afternoon



What's up with the nem? Looks bad but he closed up in the afternoon.




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is that enough rock?


nope, going to add more once I move. It is about 30 lbs or 1 pb/gallon. I want to get some rods and a shelf kind of scape.

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I got a new Ecotech Vortech ESw 10. Trying to get that dancing 25g reefmotion, still can't build a decent wave.


Plan for light upgrade and chiller.

My torch and green bubble tip look brown.

I guess I need more actinic in the spectrum.


PO4 is up to 0.25, everything else, 0. PH 8.0 and Ca 440.


Add chemipur- elite.


Also bryopsis popping up, got it from LFS frag orange zoa's tried to pull them off before intro but they made it anyway.

Planning to get Kent-magnesium and. test for Mg

Goal to be 1500-<1600

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  • 3 weeks later...

Will add pics soon my Capnella sp has tripled in size and now has let off many a bud. The zoanthids I transplanted are also starting to matte. Did well against the bryopsis with 3% peroxide dipping, Mg 1500-1600 ( did not kill it but really dented the ability to grow back), an manual sand bed removal.




So far the stock protein skimmer has worked much better than expected, olive color skinmate and all N levels zero. One PO4 peak at 0.25 that quickly corrected.


WIll have to move in two months so going to break down and transport the tank to TX. Fly down the fish an corals while movers take the tank. WIll have a problem with the viable live rock and setting up the tank again.

Also plan to scrap the sand bed for new stuff. Dry of course black vs white/pink?


Also witness the clownfish feed his/her anemone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some Pics with New True Lumen LED 453 actinic (X8) adds a great shimmer.




Shimmer on Green Entacmaea quadricolor with Premnas biaculeatus


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  • 2 weeks later...

Identified my last remaining chalice.

It is the brow green one between the and the Euphyllia glaberecens.

I know it is Echinophyllia sps. and I think it is Echinophyllia echinoporides. Anyway it looks like this Greencicle on Corolpedia.http://zoaid.com/index.php?module=Gallery2&g2_itemId=10631


Also my Porites are Porites porites from the Caribbean thanks to Julian Sprung's coral book for the ID.

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Me too. I got questioned over not enough live rock. But all my levels are zero and stable, I do weekly checks and I love the space for the fish to swim. I have to break down the tank and send it to Texas so I am fretting on what to do with the fish. I have a temporary 10 g tank which may be a bit small for the Maroon, 3 fire fish and three striped damsel until I can fly them down which will be about 10 days. Once I reset up the tank then I plan to build up another 4 inches so I can place some SPS higher in the tank. Tank is 7 months doing well, softies and chalice are growing well, the porites which I have had since almost the beginning are doing well, lost some to a sting, but they have not grown. Thanks for the kind words.

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Going to have to take the tank down to move. I am hoping to fly my corals and fish down. 2 hour airport trip, 3 hour flight and 1 hour trip to the new home.


Any tips for the move?


Also having problems with my calcium and magnesium tanking? Aside from some porites, no spa to really suck it up. A new batch of baby snails however.


One full tank shot before breakdown.


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  • 3 months later...

After successful move to Dallas, lost the three strip Damsel in transit.

Added a large dead rock to the scape and now clearer shrimp, 1 Banggai Cardinal, 2 sexy shrimp more (one disappeared after two days, feeling he was consumed by the Banggai), Pygmy angel fish and purple fire fish.

All the ricordia have divided one or two times.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I am. I added Current USA 453 3W X 8 (two strips) LED for color enhancement. New bulbs two weeks ago.

All levels 0 (PO4, NH3, NO3, NO3) pH steady at 8.1, dka 3 mEg/l, Mg 1240 (supplement weekly about 30 ml)

Ca 380-480 again needs weekly supplement and a 4g water change weekly (12%).

Temp 76-79 now with cooler weather

Summer was having heat issues 79-84 so I may get a chiller.


Skimmer seems to work as long as the water level in at 3/4 of fill line.

Chemipure elite and purigen.

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