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Pod Your Reef
  • Chasing Coral Color & Growth – The 4 Pillars of Reef Keeping

    Marine Depot



    Many reef-keepers are under the impression that if they get water quality parameters to match a certain formula, their corals will color up and thrive. These parameters have aquarists chasing “numbers” and often lead them to making changes and constant adjustments to the aquarium at the expense of environmental stability. It’s possible to be so focused on chasing those specific numbers to achieve color and growth that you miss the bigger picture: achieving a stable environment. So, stop chasing “numbers” and keep the following discussed pillars (in this four part series) of reef-keeping stable to see what color and growth your coral can produce.


    You’ve seen beautiful, colorful reef tanks that have been running trouble-free for years. Ever wonder what the secret is? They’re not chasing numbers! They all were maintained by focusing on what we call the Four Pillars of Reef-keeping: Lighting, Water Flow, Nutrition and Filtration. Your focus should be on keeping these foundational factors stable… unchanging and stop focusing on chasing numbers. It’s a time-proven path to having great-looking corals and a beautiful reef tank. So, let’s jump into the First Pillar: Lighting.


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     I have never measured PAR levels in my tank. Whatever setting my corals is fully open is the settings i go with lol. But i have only LPS and softies. 

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