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More on my Reefkeeping Philosophy.


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Go to any LFS as a new comer to the hobby and ask how to keep your fish healthy they will probably tell you about water quality, feeding and filtration. These are all very important of course but what you are unlikely to hear about is IMO another to rank alongside those and that is natural environment.
I have already posted about why I keep small fish on here and the replies seem to echo my philosophy on my reefkeeping. It was heartening to read others shared my views on keeping our fish and to some extent corals.
Many fish species will be stressed if not given an environment similar to what they enjoyed on and around the reef. The mental health of our fish is as important as any and we all know what happens to stressed fish they become less resistant to various diseases that can inflict them.
I choose my fish species for my aquarium with much care and thought about not just their care but their tank mates and the environment from where they came. Fish that are found in shoals or pairs I mainly keep as such however my reefscape is equally important as anything I also provide.
My ethos and approach is to provide a complete a package as I can to provide the best I can reasonably achieve for them all. This way of reefkeeping has stood me in good stead for over 35 years and my fish mostly live long disease free lives.


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Nice post man 35 years, wow. You've been reefing 10 years longer than I've been alive. I have recently been interested in the same thing. When I got royal grammas everywhere you look says get only one. But they don't necessarily live alone in the wild. I have a pair and I think I see more "natural" behavior instead of the nervousness and anti social behavior when I had just one.

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Nice post man 35 years, wow. You've been reefing 10 years longer than I've been alive. I have recently been interested in the same thing. When I got royal grammas everywhere you look says get only one. But they don't necessarily live alone in the wild. I have a pair and I think I see more "natural" behavior instead of the nervousness and anti social behavior when I had just one.


Seems like only yesterday lol.

I have kept RGs a number fo times and always in pairs. I completely agree they are far more interesting and appear more confident when kept more than one. The same goes for many other small fish IME,

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Thats a gorgeous tank!


Behaviour in fish alone, paired, or in a community is very different. I witnessed this with my clown.


When there was a blenny in the tank, he swam more freely and hung out with the blenny alot.


When the blenny died the clown stopped swimming around, literally just swam in 1 tiny area.


Got another clown- my original clown went back to being social, swimming around, and paired with the new one immediately

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