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Jaebo DC2000 Pump + Aqualink What gives?


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Ok, so my DC2000 with the standard controller seems to have a lot of variance between each speed level. I also bought the aqualink wifi controller for it initially since I knew it was going to be a few months before I put a real controller in place.


Here is my issue. When I run the manual controller on full speed I out flow my returns, which is fine. When I run any of that controllers reef modes, gyre, etc I have a very hard time getting a speed that either flows enough water and doesn't overrun my return lines.


HOWEVER, if I put the wifi controller into a steady manual speed and run it at 120% I get the flow I am looking for and my drain lines can keep up.


Can anyone help me figure out why this is? My only thought is the wifi controller is @!#$ed and the 120% happens to be the exact happy medium I want even though its not the 100% of the manual controller.

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Ok it looks like the strainers I was using were causing flow related problems, and that was part of it. I still think there is an inconsistency with the controller though.

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