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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Stock Ideas for 36 Gallon Tank


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I am turning my 36 gallon freshwater into a FOWLR tank. The reason for this is the light sucks and I dont want to spend 200 dollars on lights. Don't get me wrong but i love coral just I am on a budget of 230 for initial setup. For the stock i have no idea. I need some ideas for live stock. I was wondering if i could do any dwarf angels of tangs? So please let me know!




14 Oceanic Biocube

Ocellaris Clownfish

Rainford Goby

Pincushion Sea Urchin

2 Peppermint Shrimp

6 Blue Leg Hermits

5 Astrea Snails

2 Turbo Snails





Ricordia Mushroom

Kenya Tree

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