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Cultivated Reef

Snail ID?


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Hey, my bro and I noticed today a bunch of REALLY small shell looking things on the glass around our tank. They're really small like 1cm or less. I was lucky enough to get my camera to focus on one of them quite nicely and be able to see some detail...from what I see it looks like a snail shell w/ filter feeding feather tentacles... We've have like 5 or 6 "batches" of Snail eggs over about 3-4 week period and haven't noticed any hatch but they'd disappear, could these be the small snail babies? They're from the Cerith snails we think. Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.





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Mischeif Nite

"Spiroid" I'm pretty sure they're called. I believe in the one of the forums there's a great critter identifying thread. Tons of great info

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serpulids. They are calcareous tube worms (under serpulidae in the link):





Wow, that's the first time I've noticed that Chuck Raabe has Spirorbis listed under Serpulidae. I had always learned that they were in their own family, the Spirorbidae, which, along with the Serpulidae and the Sabellidae, comprised the 3 main groups of feather dusters that hitchhike into our tanks.


Has the nomenclature changed, or is Chuck possibly wrong?!


A few pages that show Spirorbidae:






And for that matter, Chuck has Flabelligerids listed under Serpulidae, and I'd thought they were in their own family, as well.






I think we need to drop Chuck a line...



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Thrilled as I was to have Helfrich's Chick put together that thread, it doesn't really address the family nomenclature...:D


IME, they are genus Spirorbis, family Spirorbidae; and in general, one of 3 types of "feather duster worms."



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