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Indian Ocean Tsunami Fish Pics


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Remember that tsunami that happened a while back? Well my friend's cousin went there for relief work and these deep sea fish were found washed up on the shore so he took some pictures. These are one of the weirdest fish I've seen. I had to share- Hope you enjoy.






















Pretty cool to know what lies deep in the big blue eh?

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That's really wierd cuz tsunamis are not traditionally "high energy" in deep water...only in shallow water. Just goes to show how bad it was!

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You can find these on ebaum's world and a lot of other sites... There are probalby 3 other threads on here w/ them for some oceanic event... Fun pics... But old spoof... :\

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but the real question is, are those real? its kinda hard to believe fish like that exist. and you'd think there would be alot of talk about it everywhere.

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if crap like this exists, the lochness monster probably does too! =D




Umm... sorry not anymore. The tank I was keeping 'ol nessy in crashed a while back. Big stinky mess that was.

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Ice... I blame the fact that you were trying to keep nessy and a school of 6 hippo tangs in a 20L.... :P


Don't even try to blame their poor captivity survival rate.. :D

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"The Nessy Alliance summoned the help of Scotland's local wizards to cast a protective spell over the lake and its local residents and all those who seek for the peaceful existence of our underwater ally."





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The ocean is a beautiful, diverse environment we have barely explored. Of course sea spiders totally freak me out so if you show me one of those, then you can just drop the beauty part keep the freakin diversity away from me. ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Those are old picks I wonder if nessie could live with a hippo,sohol and a naso in a ten gallon.O wait i just remembered that the tangs need 20g. :lol: sorry

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yeah i was wondering how fish that deep could be that affected by the tsunami, then wouldnt all the mid level fish be washed up too?

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