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Innovative Marine Aquariums

12G Nano Cube - one year later


An "original" Nano Cube still with stock (24 watts) lighting.

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Tank Shots

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Nice tank! Do the mushrooms in the front breed? Just wondering. I have a 24 gallon JBJ and hope to have it like yours! Is your tank stock or modded? Thanks and nice job!

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wow, impressive tank. Did the zoos just propagate on that big piece of rock over the year, or did you add more? I love the clown hosting in the shroom too! Is that the stock lighting. Im hoping to have the same thing going where zoos are covering 80% of my rock. Once again, very impressive tank!

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One of the nicest Nanocubes i´ve ever seen. What kind of light, filter and and circulation do you have?

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Thanks for the positive comments. It's my first time doing a saltwater tank, and it's been a fun experience. To answer a few of the questions...

The only mod I've done is replacing the stock pump with a minijet unit and adding moonlights. Otherwise still stock 24W lighting. Using sponges and carbon bag in the back, no bioballs or rings.


The zoos all started from small frags, and just spread all over the rocks. Only the orange ric up front has split so far by itself.

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Nice tank. Thats what I want for my bed room. I need your advise. I am living in Singapore, a topical country. Temperature 26 °C - 33 °C Relative Humidity 60% - 95%. If i require a chiller for my nano cube 12 gal. I planned to keep corals. No direct sun light for my tank. Will the Skimmer, Cooling Fans & Filtration too LOUD to sleep?

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