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29g 250w aquaconnect 14k


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Tank Shots

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Okay. The tank does look good. Why would you buy that bulb when the Phoenix is almost identical for a much cheaper price? Just wondering, that's all. I vote for the tang police to pull an intervention, though.

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Tang Police this, Tang Police that. Think about where some of these fish COULD wind up, instead of a beautiful tank such as this one. What if some punk @ss newbie with a filthy unkept 125g bought it? Would it be better? Heck, they're already sitting in some gawd awful LFS tank! Think of how many people live in small houses and apartments. Wouldn't we ALL like a luxary crib. I'd live in a small place without complaints if it was gorgeous. If the tank is nice, water's clean, etc, etc... I don't think the friggin tangs are gonna mind.


With that said...


Awsome looking tank, man!!!

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yea the tang police been knocking on the door, but i dont answer, they havent kicked in the door so i guess they dont have enough evidence to get a warrent.

he is a medium size, about 3", was bought in the beginning, before i knew better! I would like to trade him in, but id have to tare down the whole tank to get him out, he is real scitzo.

The aquaconnect was bought with the reefoptix 3 setup used from rc, but yea when i buy a new blub a year from now it will be the phoenix, im very happy with this bulb, no actinics saves money.

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Who cares if he has a tang. If you dont like go suck a nut. bunch of crying Mf in here.................... good looking tank, man. Add a yellow tang too. F all you crying mfers.. my tank, i do what i want.

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all the tang bitching LMAO...do u people realize how many tangs I killed 25 years ago because of all the parasite treatments till they died. I was just a teen then, now I can aford a nice turbotwist UV, no problems now. Fish has lived in my tank so far 11 months. Years ago he would have died in 3.


Nuff said...at least this one is not on DEATH ROW!

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update...I got the tang out and traded him in, funny how i got him out without any trouble!!!! I got up a 3am, turned the light on and it blinded him, then i took a scraper handle and poked at him behind the rock, it scared him and he went up to the top of the tank between the overflow and side of the tank. I grabed him by hand, no net!!!! threw him in the sump, took him to the lfs the next day. now he is in a 5 gal display for sale. I miss him, had him for a year, i went up a few days latter and he is doing good. I hope someone with

half a brain buys him and takes care of him.

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I have a Blue Hippo and a Humu Humu in my 55G FOWLR. Police me dudes!


Nice tank. I have a 29G Frewshwater and am looking around the internet for ideas. Here it is: You are the inspiration, man! Thanks for posting the pictures. (Stifler's Slow thumbs up!)

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Let me first say I am not agreeing with the tang police here. However, am I understanding your rational correctly that the tang is better off in your current tank because you have killed so many in the past?

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