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Top Shelf Aquatics

10g Tank


This is my reef tank 2 months in. Yes i know its an overloaded tank. No skimmer. Never tested water except for pH and SG. All fishes and Corals are healthy. haha. tell me what you guys think of this. (i know imma get lots of negative comments but its ok) =D



Yellow Tang

False Percula Clown

Golden-head Goby

Clarkii Clown

Scooter Blenny

Yellow-tailed Damsel



Blood Red Fire Shrimp

Banded Coral Shrimp

Pistol Shrimp

15 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crabs

2 Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs

Emerald Crab

10 Turbo Snails



Green-tipped Goniopora

Brown-Purple Zoos

Sun Polyps

Silver-tipped Pumping Xenias

Green Glove Polyps



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Tank Shots

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Do you plan on at least moving some of the fishes to a bigger tank? I like the rock work, good job.

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thanks..yeah imma move them when i get money for a bigger tank and im gonna need to invest in that test kit hahaha

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I just want to warn you because once the tang police see this they arent going to be happy. Just a warning.


I dont like to flame but you are either going to need a bigger tank soon or need to give some of those fish back to your LFS. You have a very high bioload and without a test kit you wont know whether or not your water conditions are ok. You also dont have any other forms of nutrient export so you probebly have high amount of nitrates as well.


I dont want to seem mean but others will be. Tangs just need bigger tanks. They love to swim ALOT and putting one, any size, in a 10g would be cruel.

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yeah im just keeeping it for temporary and i am going to move it to a bigger tank soon. And btw i never knew there was such thing as a tang police? Can someone fill me in here thanks alot. And another question.. my tang seems to do fine and is very healthy (very active). How can this affect anythign with them being in a small tank?

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The tang police are people who totally freak out when they see a tang in this small of a tank. You should expect to get flamed heavily.....

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I am a new reefer and im not aware of these things yet. I would like to ask what kind of harm does it do to a tang to be living in a 10g tank when its doing fine?

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im not tang police but something to consider is that yellow tangs, tangs in general do best in 5-6 ft of horisontally oriented tanks. without this space they wont live nearly as long, be subject to head and lateral line erosion, starvation from stress, stress caused by bumping into everything. tangs are stupid, but they know what they want, and if you can provide them with a tank and varied aquascape, they will forget what they have seen annd just keep on swimming, otherwise they realize that they are stuck (much like living your life in a well lit closet). I used to work at an LFS for four years, and 90% of the people that kept tangs before we advised them knew nothing about their requirements, and kept them in 10-29 gallon tanks. I hope you are getting at least a 75G-100G for your future tank if you plan on keeping him.

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The tang police are basically anybody on this forum that flames about any bad practices that have to do with keeping tangs. The majority of the time they are pretty rude but get the point across.


As you said, they are very active and need the most amount of swimming room possible. Tangs are different from clowns or gobies that arent very active (good nano fish) and they also can get up to 8 inches(yellow tangs, others get bigger). Tangs can also become very stressed when they are in small tanks and are more prone to disease.

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E P three K20


it looks nice man, keep up the good work, i know money is a problem when it comes to this hobby but thats good to hear ur gonna move em later.

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inless you already have rock curing for your new reef, RETURN THE TANG!!!

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Leave him alone. He doesn't need more than 1 person to tell him to get the tang out.

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Shit I don't agree. Maybe if more then 1 person tells him to move the poor tang he will atleast think about it.

And I thought I had a heavy bioload.

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how bout u come here to sunnyvale and take that tang out of my tank if it bothers u that damn much.

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Exatly leave him alone about the tang allready



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What are you using to filter the tank? How often and how much water do you change?


I have a 10g nano myself. It's about 4 months old.

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I wouldn't keep a tang in there, but EMI if I was you I wouldn't worry about these Tang police they obviously forget how they started and that they made mistakes too. I personally dont like yellow tangs they are aggressive towards other tankmates mine would have been returned to the store by now if my wife didnt like him in our 55 gallon tank which I think is to small for him now after he has grown, I may just take him to the large reef at the public aquarium I work at. Goodluck!

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u dont have a test kit yet u have 4 fish in ur tank. not to mention ur tank is 10g. wow just wow.

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so you wanna keep the tang, if money is a problem you look into a big cheap tank like something on ebay or even tag sales. You should be able to find a cheap 70 gallon for your tang (if you know where to look) ask around, you just might find one. but i must say you should start looking real soon before it becomes a problem good luck because you just might need it


i know i know... people have already said it but just think about it emi

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