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Innovative Marine Aquariums

moving a nano, back to school time...


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thought it would be interesting to share experiences about the challenges of a dorm room nano, and moving it there and back home...


tommorow i will be moving mine, i have couple of new corals and lots of hitchikers.


i will be draining half the water into a 5 gallon bucket and rearranging the live rock so that it all remains under the water.


the tank will have plastic wrap over the top to keep the water from splashing around, and holes poked in the plastice wrap to keep some air moving...



-no AC in the car so windows down, praying for nice temps, should be OK.

-1.5 hour drive, thats a long time for all the creatures to hold their breath....


i let you know how it goes.


post some experiences, succeses, and mistakes, DORM REEFERS UNITE!!!!

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make sure you put a big rubber band on or something


i moved a 10g once with seran wrap all around it but water still managed to get out... not that much just about a cup but still

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Sry to double post.


I had 12g cube crack on me during the winter break move... i feel like it was due to the movement of the transportation(a van in which i set the cube on the floor). also should i take out the live rock to avoid this? i just couldnt stand to loose another setup!

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If you ask me it shouldn’t be too much of a problem if you consider that everything in your tank was packed up for way longer than a couple of hours just to make it to the LFS, or if you ordered online to your doorstep. If your tank is healthy, the livestock should be a lot stronger than when you originally got them and in better condition to move.

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i put my tank in the passengers seat.


i put tape around to seal down the saran wrap, i didnt loose much water though. i never realized what a crazy driver i am. everything is looking good so far, when i first set it up there was a bad fish smell coming from the tank, and i dont even have fish, so i am running carbon (in addition to my usual purigen) and the zoas and shrooms seem happy.


my sand went totally crazy, all kind of sifted down to one end rock moved also, but nothing was stacked.


all is good!!

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Hey man, props to you for even attempting it. Let me know how it ends up. It's encouraging to know that there are other college kids trying to maintain a nano. I gave mine away because of college but I really want to start one up again--maybe. Good luck

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I'm getting ready to move back to school on Wednesday and I'm pretty anxious about it. It's a 7 hour drive and I have a lot of livestock. I'll be taking everything out of the tank as I cannot afford a crack. I've moved my freshies back & forth several times with no problems but saltwater tanks are a lot more complex...I'll let you guys know how it goes!


Here's my post:


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you're inviting trouble if you try to move a glass tank with water still in it. take all the water out, or at most just leave a little to cover your sand. the tank was designed to be moved around with water in it, and water weighs a lot, so you do the math. If you don't know what I'm talking about, go to the nanocube forum and look at some pics.

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ya i did the same thing s the first post for years but now i graduated and dont have to anymore! i never had a problem. i even sometimes left all the rock and left zoos and other corals high and dry figuring theyd get splached enough and never lost anything. ive worked in lfs enough to know that sometimes zoos and other corals get shipped pretyt much without water, jsut a tiny about of water and wrapped in newspaper. these things are alot sturdier than we think

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