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Sun Coral Natural Survival in Tank


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Yes I know sun coral will thrive when spot fed.

BUT can sun corals naturally survive in a tank w/o being spot fed?


For instance, a tank with tons of pods in it.


The reason I ask this, is because I recently went to the dallas aqarium. They have a tank that is like 15 foot tall. I noticed alot of sun corals at the bottom of the tank. Now unless they scuba dive to the bottom each day I don't really see how the spot feed those guys.


Anyways, hope to hear some comments on this.

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A tank like that would emulate the 'natural ocean' better. More water volume, better conditions. Also, more natural foods would exist for the sun corals. Think about it, are sun corals spot fed in the wild?

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I don't think sun corals eat pods... Just a thought, there... : I'm sure you could do it if you had a lot of phytoplankton-style substances (aka living creatures) in the environment. I'd imagine that in a large tank it's plausible because you have such a huge environment. In most nanos, you simply can't have water w/ that much "stuff" in it and keep a stable/healthy system running for very long.


And... @ the Long Beach Aquarium, they do have SCUBA divers go in the tanks every day to clean, inspect, and feed the environments. My uncle was a volunteer diver there before he died.

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How often do you have to feed them? Is it perfectly fine to go away for the weekend and skip their feeding for a couple of days?

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can i keep a sun coral with only 18 watts of light at the top on a 20h? I would like to have 1 coral while i wait to save up for the mh

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They don't need any light, so yes. Keep it low and out of the light, so that algae doesn't grow on it. But you will need to feed it daily, or every other day.

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Are you sure they were "real" sun corals you saw in the aquarium?

ALOT of public aquariums tend to stay clear of hard to keep and needy corals. They usualy strategicly place fake look alive corals in various spots to fill in the gaps.

Also it dosent matter if you have it directly under a 250w halide or in a cave, it will look the same color, and feed at the same time every day once you get it used to a scheduel day or night, lights on lights off. BUT the idea behind keeping it out of light so that algae dosent grow on it is a good one. Just make sur eto keep it in a relatively easy spot to reach for feedings.

fatality rates of suncorals, even when fed regularly, are prety high.

Not like a Gonioppora or elegance, but its up there.

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