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plumbing help and light suggestion


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Hello everybody, I've been reading up alot and I've decided to start a nano, I just need a couple of suggestions on lighting and plumbing.


My plan is to have a 20L display and a 10g fuge underneath. I plan on keeping softies, LPS and maybe yasha/haze (sic) pair. I could do all the plumbing and setting up myself and I would rather go with PVC. I also plan on drilling the tank. Feel free to criticize.



I want a closed loop with 2 outlets and a SCWD. What kind of pump should I go with for that?

Also what kind of pump for the fuge?


Now for the tricky part (at least for me), how should the placement of the holes be for both the fuge and the closed loop?

I dont know where to put the outlets (towards fuge/loop) and if I should have 1 external durso w/ a tee.


Would the pods get broken up and killed by passing through the pump on the way back to the display?




My plan is to go with a aquamedic 150W pendant with a pheonix 14k. I want to keep the top open as well. If I went with lunar lights where could I place them?


I appreciate any and all responses and I plan on posting pics of my setup when I start it.

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i would spend some time looking at some of the other great 20L tanks on this site. I can't remember who, but someone just did basically the same thing you are planning.


search for 20L and see what pops up. maybe it was dhoffroad that had the 20L that he drilled for the closed loop and sump.


i would look at their lighting too. 250w seems to be a popular choice for that tank.

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Does nebody know if its possible to have a T on an external durso, for the closed loop and fuge drain? If not Im going to have 5 holes on the back of a 20L, I dont think thats a good idea.

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