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Moving my 12g aquarium


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Well, it's almost time to go back to school and I am preparing to tear down my tank to move it 7 hours away. I got about 20 bags from my lfs. Here is my plan:


-Remove midas blenny & sixline wrasse, put in separate bags.

-Remove feather duster, snails, serpent star, hermit crabs, misc critters, put in separate bags.

-Remove corals (bubble coral, candy cane, pagoda cup coral, xenia), put in separate bags.

-Tie xenia rock to styrofoam & allow it to float upside down in bag (is this necessary?).

-Remove live rock, put in bags.

-Remove sand, put in bag (should I use an airstone in the bag for the bacteria/millepods/copepods/bristleworms?).


Put the above in coolers (fish & inverts in one, this cooler will have a little bit of water in it for less temperature flux; sand & rocks in other).


-Drain tank, keep 6 gallons of this water to refill in a container. Put tank in original NC box w/ lotsa padding (I'm no idiot!)...Should I put moist papertowels on glass (to preserve coralline algae & microorganisms)?


The drive should take about 7 hours (I'm guessing it will take me 1-2 hours to tear down the tank, 1-2 to set back up) So let's aim for 10 hours from start to finish.


Does my plan sound alright?

I don't want to screw anything up as I've had a lot of sucess with my tank since it has been set up. I have moved my freshwater tanks back & forth numerous times using this method with no losses but saltwater is different. A lot more livestock to be concerned about. Obviously, I have a lot of anxiety about moving my tank but it has to be done. I'll leave it at school during chrismas break granted I can get someone to maintain it. This move will only happen twice a year.


I need feedback, ideas, tips, advice...whatever you can tell me!! Just don't tell me not to move it because that is not happening :P



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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

should be good to go. heck all those critters in your tank, have probably been through a 10 hour move before they ever reached you.


one thing i did see in your post, thats not a good idea is the moist paper towel. alot of pt has additives that arent good for the tank.

if your worried about the algee, fill a spray bottle with salt water from your tank, and mist it a few times on the drive.

good luck with thew move.

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Right, how could I forget?


I can use paper towels that are printed with soybean oil, correct? Come to think of it, I could just use a normal bath towel (or would the dye affect anything?). A spray bottle wouldn't be that difficult to do, either ;)

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

sounds pretty fool proof. but id still avoid using towels of any sort.(bath towel-laundry detergent,paper towel-dies,glues etc)


ifthe tanks in the box, turn it on its back. you should ibe able to leave 1/32" of water in the tank, just enough to keep the algee on the back wet.

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