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Cultivated Reef

Whats going on with the polyps?


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Lo, need a hand her


3 weeks into a new 24gal cube, set up with cured rock, sand water and all from shop run by 2 marine biologists. first added crew of hermits, stars and snails, changed water added polyp colony and python leather coral. Now all animals seem to be doing very well apart from the polyps wich dont seem to hot, they open and close all the time but i dont think they extend all the way. The python will shrimp up into a tight ball before finally extending again, is this normal behaviour? or is it telling me something,,, they are 4 days old in the tank all values are good anyone got a clue?



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You should have waited much longer before putting the corals in... Are you sure the "values are good"? Adding several corals all at once can also do it. And what sort of "stars" do you have? Most aren't suitable for nanos, especially new ones. (Serpent stars and brittles are the exception.)

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Dont think i should need to wait much longer since its all cured already and all items have been running long in their tanks, ive just moved a portion of their stuff into a new tank so to speak so waiting wont make a difference, thats what the marine guys tell me too, they also adviced me on getting the stars, 24 gal should be more than large enough.

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Again, what types of stars?


And did they SELL this stuff to you? That'd be the key. Some people have the experience, the expertise, but not the morals to keep them from taking advantage of newbs, or at least making things seem overly easy.

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Have no reason to doubt these guys morals, they are two proffesional marinebiologists who run a little shop out of their basement, these guys arnt in it for the cash, impossible to buy even a 2 buck snail without being stuck for an hour getting an biology lesson with demonstrations and all :). The large "pro" shop here is all about the cash though and the guy gives you a rap like a lifetime usedcarsalesmann on every item, thats the reason i go with the celler guys. Besides they all opened up today and stayed up all day, portion of the polyp colony wont make it but have to take some losses.

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