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Replacement 24 gal has shipped (follow-up from 7/31 post)


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Must say that email to warranty@jbjlighting.com did result in almost immediate positive response, as the representative had said would happen, on this forum. Had to send copy of invoice and picture(s) of crack to get replacement. Done that night (7/31), they replied next day (8/01), cube apparently given to UPS for ground shipment 8/3, scheduled to arrive 8/8. I wish they had used another carrier, as I have seen what the boys at UPS can do (at their local and regional facilities). Meanwhile, I am keeping live rock and live sand in seawater, in closed buckets (took out today, rinsed, changed water, bubbled for awhile outside in shade, will return to closed bucket at nightfall. No odor (was conditioned prior to purchase from LPS). Will advise forum on condition of replacement cube. Fingers are crossed.


PS- is it my imagination, or do many of the posted cracks appear in the same area, lateral to the right-side curve? Perhaps someone familiar with the recent history on this and other forums (I've seen your posts elsewhere) could investigate.

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how much mod did you do to your cube? i was turned down for a replacement after admitting them that my tank was modded but the only thing i didnt mod was the glass.

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yep , I got my 24 gal jbj nano in today and it had a crack in it also right side across the front to left bottom. NICE well I called and they are shiping out a new one. I wish they would use someone other then UPS I also have seen what UPS does at the local facilities!!! Now I really hope this one will be ok I have seen so much on here where they crack in a week or 2 and $272 is alot of money !!

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No mods, just a normal beginning setup, stock. Don't you wish UPS, etc., had a " I don't mind an extra day or 2 in transit if you'll just be careful with it" rate? Does anyone know of a shipper that provides actual "gentle" care for a few extra dollars? This would be the perfect item for such a service.

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Hi SueBC..did you ever see the Samsonite luggage commercial with the chimps?????? Be careful when you reach in the box to take it out....you don't want to cut your hand open if there are major glass shards. Use gloves. Mine arrived intact from JBJ, but, it's still sitting unused. Although it arrived without any full thickness cracks, there are visible glass defects that appeared more ominous than my hairline which has been stable. Mine has a 4-5cm 'wavy line' with a prismatic effect (when you move your head from side to side) at the bottom of my tank near the seamless corner. Very suspicious for weaknessi in a critical area (what area ISN'T critical in a marine tank?). Take your time this time to really go over the tank with a fine tooth comb and feel under the rims/frame for stepoffs. Do a prolonged water test with FW with full pumps and heater going, in an area that won't suffer from water damage should a 'fatal' crack occur. If you have any doubts, take some pix of the tank and post here. Good luck. JMO. SH

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