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Tank Upgrade, results in downgrade!


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Hi guys,


I haven't been browsing the boards for a while because, ever since I got my 58 running I thought I'd never need a nano reef. Of course, every one needs a nano! After realizing that I'd be going off to college in a couple years and my parents as well as myself have decided to upgrade to a 120 in the family room. The onlt problem is that I love having a tank in my room and would really like one in dorm during my college years. I'd like to keep only ricordia and zoathoids, neither is particularly light demanding. So now that you've read my sob story here are my plans regarding equipment and getting LR ect. and I've got some questions too. Gosh I'm needy, all * s have




-Stock Nano Cube DX and wave stand

*additional powerhead?

*nano-customs lighting.

*Unkown amount of LR

*15lbs of LS




-Yashia-Haze Shrimp Goby

-Banded Possum Wrasse

*Sales Swiss Gaurd Basset

-Various ricordia & zoas

-one or two cleaner shrimp




Do you reccomend the use of an additional powerhead for the zoas and rics?

What nano-customs hood would you reccomend? I'd like a fuge light and moon lights for sure.

15lbs of live sand, too much? Too little?

How much rock would you reccomend? I plan to cure some rock (100 lbs) for my bigger tank and could use the rubble in the tank.

Any links to show the fuge in the back of the nano cube?


Thank You so much!




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stoney waters

Sounds like a good plan. Every nano cube could use an extra power head or pump,try adding a Hydor Flo. A couple t5 actinics from Nano Customs would be helpful. 15 lbs of rock should be a good start. The only problem I can see is that a wave stand in a dorm room might be asking for trouble.


Good Luck

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i probably wont use the stand in the dorm, just the cube, so it'd just be the cube. I think I'm going to go with the 'fuge light, moon light, t-5s and powercompacts. I'll post a link in a sec

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