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30g Fuge


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I have a question guys i bought a 30 gallon tank and am wondering instead of adding the baffle section could you just add eggcrate for the return section to keep the chaeto from getting sucked up or should i just do the acrylic glass thing?

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Baffles can be used to slow the flow through the fuge making it more effective, they also help eliminate micro bubbles. Not to say you couldn't try the egg crate and see what happens.

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Refugiums need slow water flow so the chaeto can do its job effectively. Also it does get rid of micro bubbles and your sand bed/miracle mud wont be disrupted with the baffles.

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Fuges do not need slow water...in fact most macros prefer fast moving water. Many fuge companies suggest a throughput in the fuge of up to 10x the tank capacity per hour.

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