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What to add first, everyone please respond


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I'v been getting mixed reviews on what to add first. Some say cleanup, some say fish, some say coral. My tank has been setup two weeks to the day and I've added about 25 lbs cured live rock and about 20 lbs live sand. What would you do. Please I need help on this. Should i wait even longer. My main lfs is saying add a sixline wrasse.

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2 weeks is a pretty short cycle time. I would go ahead and add a cleanup crew first as you will probably start getting some algea blooms soon. Then maybe a tank raised clown once you are sure the cycle is complete they are pretty hardy. I have never kept a sixline but I believe they are a little tougher to keep. As far as corals go any polyps, mushrooms or leathers are a good start. Good luck, and make sure you tank has truly cycled or you will feel bad if a fish dies :(

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all my parameters are at zero so i think it is finished. But i didn't have any algea blooms. What do i do.

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They're coming, don't worry ;)

I agree, add the cleaners first. I suggest getting a variety of snails - hermits are cute, but not nearly as effective against algae IME.

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Originally posted by ashburn

i would add salt water first :)

You'll need a tank first. Saltwater dosn't hold it's shape too well without one.


LOL, sorry. You did ask EVERYONE to post, so I just had to...

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Definally clean up crew first or if you have a tiny frag of zoo's throw them in there, i have a 5 polp of grey zoo's in the tank i am setting up now to see if they will survive the cycle so far they have been getting bigger and healthier which is weird but GOOO SLOOWWW don't want to put too much and cause a crash and lose everything and have to start over again

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

you can probably get away with adding a clean up crew and "a small fish" at the same time. id still wait a week and keep checking the water though. 2 weeks isnt very long to have your ammonia,no2,no3s properly cycling. you might also still run into some die off with the live rock and sand. i didnt get an ammonia spike until my 3rd week.

hth leigh

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