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bubble tip and light????


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hello i have a huge bubble tip in my 75gal that just split off a 3 inch peice but the maroon clowns in that tank are snuggling a little to hard. i think i have to move them to the 24gal nano i just ordered the upgrade to 118 or 108(whatever it is) from nanocustoms. does anyone keep bubble tips succesfully under these lights. nano has been set up for a year and 1 month water is perfect and only a cupple zoo frags and a leather coral. and a small perc. clown. thanks

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Eh, don't mix those clowns....The maroons will kill the perc, most likely, especially if they're larger. Clowns are naturally aggressive with each other, especially with different species, and especially as pairs.

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no man the maroons live in the 75gal the perc is alone in the 24 gal by himself. the maroons are no joke, im not that stupid. ive never had a bubble tip under pcs im a little scared but i dont want the little guy to be killed. i read some people keeping them here uder stock 72watts. but do they really live?

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Heheh.. No prob, just making sure. (You may not have seen some people that come around!)


Bubbletips can do well under PC's--in fact, 74 watts in a 12 should be alright, I think, but I'm no anemone expert. Check around to be sure...Do some research to decide for yourself, maybe.

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no prob, yeah im a little neverous never kept them under anything but halides the one he broke off from has been in the 75 for 4 yrs. the small one is in a plastic tray floating on top but it looks like crap and the clowns pace outside it trying to snug on the tips that stick threw holes on side of dish.

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Heh... Poor clowns, they just want to share their love. ;)

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I'm keeping my Rose Bubble Tip under PCs right now - 130w for a 20 long, specifically. He's only been there for about 2 weeks though. Looked pathetic for the first week, but has recovered a good bit this week. He doesn't look great, but he doesn't look sick either. I've been feeding him krill semi-regularly in hopes that it will make up for the possible lack of lighting.


Sorry I can't offer you any longer term advice - I've only had him for two weeks. He'll be moving to halides before too long, and I'm hoping he continues his upward climb (he's been looking better every day since he stopped spending all of his time shriveled up :P) and doesn't die. >_<


Good luck, anyway!

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well that makes me feel better i saw a small metal halide that stands on legs and is 17 inches wide same width as the 24 gal nano. anybody using this light im not sure who makes it. has halide in middle and two sets of compacts on the side. looks good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i was wondering the same questions...at first i said i am going to get MH but now i am thinking of doing power compacts because i cant find any good Acros (which was why i was gonnna get the MH besides clams) i love the T. Clams and bubblt tips so i think you can keep them under pc's i dont know ...im asking too

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i was wondering the same questions...at first i said i am going to get MH but now i am thinking of doing power compacts because i cant find any good Acros (which was why i was gonnna get the MH besides clams) i love the T. Clams and bubblt tips so i think you can keep them (anemones not clams) under pc's i dont know ...im asking too

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well i just ordered the coarllife clamp on metal halide seems to be what i want and will work out pretty well. but what i got out of all this is that the more light the better, so if your doing the pcs id just try an get as much wattage as you can and feed the anomone at least 3 times a week and test water at least every other day. with my 24 gal nano i think if i did the compacts id go with about 118 watts. but the halide is 150 so like i said i went with that hope this helps a little.

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