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2 gallon explorer II to mini reef


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I have been keeping freshwater for 8 years and have kept saltwater for 1 year. I would like to try creating a mini reef to have on my desk, hopefully I dont get distracted from homework ;)


I have an old Marineland Explorer II 2 gallon tank that i used for a betta a while ago. I would like to try to convert it into a mini reef. The tank has a little filter with a bio wheel that is built in that i hope i can continue to use it so that i dont have to modify the hood that much. I am going to tear out the junky incandescent and put a 13 watt pc light there. Here is the light i plan on getting: http://hellolights.com/13watbalkit.html


If anyone has modified one of these tanks, please tell me how I can attach the light it the hood? If i can attach it, will it put out too much heat? Will it be too bright B) for mushrooms and poylps?


Is there any fish I can get in a tank this small?


I am going to see if i can fit 3-5 pounds of live rock in there.



If i cant do much with that tank, I might just modify my eclipse 6 gallon.


Also, how can i put pictures in the posts to show you what i am doing to the tank?


Thank you

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Go with the 6-gallon--then at least you could keep a clown goby or neon goby, maybe. Just remember to keep up with the water changes, #1 most important part of keeping a nano.

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Well, my six gallon doesnt look like it has much room to improve lighting so I am going to get a minibow 5 gallon. I would like to put the coralife 20 watt pc screw in bulb in the hood. Would this require any modding of the hood? Is it enough light or should i put more lights in the hood? Should i use the stock whisper filter or get a different filter? Also, how can i put pictures in the posts to show you what i am doing to the tank? Sorry for all the questions, im new at minireefs.


Thank you

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Hmm... If I remember right, there's a link to a mini-bow forum all its own on the main forum page here at NR.

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