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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Bulb question


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When its stated its a 2x18, and it has 4 pins, is that two seperate bulbs each rated at 18 watts or both bulbs rated 18 together......I thought I had this lighting stuff figured out, but the more I read and look at it the more confused I get.........


I notice some bulbs are 2 pin others are 4 pin....SOme have a artinic / daylight all in one assemby, so do both these come on together or are they individually switched?

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Nope, one bulb. In common configurations with electronic ballasts, the 2 left pins are just wired together as well as the 2 right pins. It basically goes in 2 pins, thru bulb, then out the other 2 pins.


The smaller 2-pin bulbs have some parts inside the bulb base itself (starter I beleive), so they're wired with just 2 wires with a small mag ballast.

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