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Need a little Help


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Ok, i need a little help and some opinions and just need to think some things out.


I'm finding that my 250w halide seems to be a bit much light for my softies (zoos mainly but ricordia also) and some are bleaching and almost look burned.


I'm also having trouble getting the right amount and varied enough flow. The single seio 820 definatly puts out alot of flow much its too much when its at full and too little when i turn it down and the flow it makes is to constant as the return pump isnt strong enough to counter the seio to make the flow mroe random.


Third problem is that i just dont have enough room to easily do maintenence and its a huge pain just to do a waterchange so sometimes I may skip a week here and there.


Finally, i'll probebly be moving but it was supposed to happen by the end of the summer and now the move has been pushed back but i have no idea how long. If we are moving reletively soon then i dont want to invest that much more on equipment and such for the 40g because i am going to start a new tank when i move.


So, i've been think out a few options.


1) Just spend more $ on the 40g and buy new lights, set up a closed loop, etc. that would make the current tank better set up for zoos and other softies and LPS.


Doesnt Solve maitenence or moving problems but i have a better tank.


2) Set up a new tank for zoos and LPS in the 15g range and convert the 40g to a FOWLR tank. Will cost more money in the long run but will have slightly less maitenece and the tanks will be easier to take care of.


3) Take down the 40g all together and set up a smaller tank. Will solve the current tanks probelems, easier to maintain, and will be easier to move. I worked hard on seetting up the 40g though and it would be a shame to take it down so soon.



Thanks to any one who actually reads this and i would appreciate some comments or opinions. I'm just a little confused right now and need to get my head straight.




edit: i know i probably spelled maintenence wrong a bunch of times lol, i cant remebeber how to spell it right now:P

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Guest nicoj122

the 40g FOWLR and 15g nano sounds good to me. i would make the 40g for fish and inverts only. then a 10 or 15g nano w/o fish so less water changes

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How high above the tank is the 250 MH, I have a 250 MH setup over my 16x16x16 cube, and keep zoas, lps, and sps. the only time i have had anything bleach is when I didnt acclimate it to the lights properly (at the beginning I would just put corals in place without letting them adjust to my lights for a few days at the bottom of the tank). Since then, I have not have a single coral bleach.


FWIW, I am somewhat in the same position as you. I will be moving in less than a year (actually moving twice in that time period...graduating college). I am just going to wait to set up my new tank until I get to my "final" place that I'm living in a few months. Seems like it makes more sense than setting up a new system and having to break it down, just to set it all up again. Also, I don't think adding another tank will cut back on your maintainence, even if you change your 40 to a FOWLR because you are still going to have to do water changes, etc on that.



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duh X), thats a good point on the MH hight. Right now its about 8 in. I will try try raising it a few inches which may help.


Yeah, i guess that adding another tank wont help any. I will probebly just keep with the 40 and do a closed loop or somthing like that. I may change my mind though.



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Well, i raised the halide about 3 inches and it seems to have done the trick. The bleached looking zoos are getting color back, yay:)


now, to figure out what to do about better circulation.

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