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Coral Vue Hydros

Sand Sifting Star ???

Micro-Reefs Aquariums

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

Some say they are bad news for a sand bed, because they deplete all the micro fauna...


Others say they are good critters to have in a sand bed because they stir it up and keep the bed clean...


My questions are for any users that have them in there reefs and the success or tragedy story...


I have two of these critters in my 12 gallon cube, they are each the size of a quarter...


I have another one in my other 12 gallon cube, the size of a fifty cent piece...


I have only had them 1 week with no noticeable damage to anything...


Someone lead some light on this matter...





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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

Can we have any serious post??? No one owns a sand sifter star??? I know you guys gals are out there,,, don't be shy....



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I had one. He lived for, oh, seven months, before the tips of his arms degraded, and he eventually died. Tried to rehome him, but obviously I was too late. (Watch their arms--tips degrade when they aren't eating enough/aren't in the right conditions.)


I'm glad you got some so small, but I still think there's not enough for them to eat in your tank. Why not just get some Nassarius snails?

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I have a sss, in a 75g reef. I have had him for almost 2 years, he is great and the tank and sand is perfect. Not sure if they have enough sand in a nano thow.

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What makes my other post not serious? People ask about every other day about this star fish.


In my own words though. I'd give your 2 sand sifters about 6 months to live, and your other one a year at most. Nano tanks aren't typically suitable for sand sifting stars. They will kill your sandbed and then starve. You need a larger tank (like Tonym10s which is in a 75g) where the live sand can keep up with what the star eats.

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i had one in my tank for about a month until it decided to travel up the glass and right into my pump. i got a different pump that had a more enclosed impeller and about a week ago i got another SSS. i think they do a good job on the sand bed in my tank. its a 50 gal.

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