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Suggestions needed for on-line live stock merchants


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Just wondering where I should go to shop for live stock (LPS corals, zoos)for my nano.


I'm just about finished cycling (week 3) and I'm starting to look for some good on-line live stock merchants. I've been out of the hobby for about 3-yrs and the places I used to shop are no longer around. I can buy fish at the LFS, but their selection of LPS and zoos aren't the best. :|


I'd love to get involved with some zoo swapping, but, alas, I've nothing to offer. Soon though. :)


Any suggestions on good quality on-line merchants would be appreciated.


Also, any on interested in selling me a little bit of live sand to seed me DSB? I'm mean on the cheap.



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Yeah, they're my first source, but was looking for a few more sources.


I have to ask though.....why were you vacationing in Waynesboro? I know we have a Wal-Mart now, but not much else. Unless you're into hiking. (the AT runs thru here) If so, we have two things in common. ;)



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Y'read my response in the coral forum? :teehee:

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Check out Dr. Macs website. I havent ordered from them online but i have been there in person and i would highly recomend them. Their website really doesnt have much stuff but you might want to consider taking a drive there because they are in the southern part of the Delmar peninsula, MD and have tons more stuff at the actual store.



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