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Cloudy Water


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All myparamters were perfect so I bought a Clownfish and a cleaner shrimp yesterday.Ar,I am so mad, both died in about 2 hours.I think I did rush things a little and now I'm going to waitamonth before I add anything else. But now my tank is really cloudy, what could be causing this?

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How long have you had your tank up? Has the tank had time to cycle? Also, 5.5 gallons really isn't much room for a clownfish. Especially if you already have 12 lbs of live rock in it. It's possible that it was crowded, but unlikely since they died within 2 hours. Did you take time to acclimate them to the water? The water conditions might have not been the same in their old water, than the water in your tank. The shock could also kill them. Also, did you mix their old water with your water in your tank? There might've been something wrong with that water and it may make your tank cloudy. It could be a ton of different things. Good luck!

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Well first the tank is going to be soon upgraded to a 10g. I used the drip method for about 30mins and I didn't mix the water I used a net toget him out.One thing I forgotto ask them is wat the parmaters of there water were.

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with 30 minutes of acclimation I think he should be alright. how are your water parameters now? SG, trates, trites, ammo?

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cloudy water is usually from a bacteria bloom, happens in a new tank or one over loaded, if it cycled for a month then ad one small fish. I'd use a damsel to cycle the tank. After change out the fish for a fire fish, or something as small. A tank that size really i wouldn't have fish if i was going to put corals or other inverts, they just degrade water qual to much.

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I had a client once that was always complaining about her cloudy tank.

I bought her a cat!...no, I'm kidding. She had increased the lighting schedule without telling me and there was a thin layer of algae growing on the inside of her glass. Which gave a cloudy appearance. She never looked hard at the tank. I'm not suggesting this is your problem. I just thought of that story...sorry.

Shouldn't your ammonia be 0.0ppm?

Maybe too much at one time...hard to say.

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I was thinking, is it possible that it went though a mini cycle before and is now going though the main cycle? And if it is, should I be doing any water changes or and anything like AmQuel+(will this make the cycle longer?). Thanks for all your help!

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Well, to truly cycle, you need the ammonia to be there in the first place to culture the correct type of bacteria. So amquel probalby isnt the greatest idea. You just have to be patient. In the beginning of the cycle all your params will be low, the first to spike will be ammonia, then nitrite, then nitrate, just hold off on things and test every few days.

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As far as I know Amquel does not effect the cycle.

I think I have seen(read) 6 or 7 threads (in three days) where people say,...." my tank cycled quick (1 to 2 weeks) all my readings are PERFECT yet I keep having these problems..."

Ya, your tank did not cycle completely....IMO

....been there, done that.

Keeping dogs, turtles and parrots are harder than SWT.


Patience is the key. :rolleyes:

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it also depends on the quality of the Live rock, Cured rock that may have been in a dealers tank for years is excellent, i got some , and the tank cycled within a week and stabilized after the 2nd, at the end of the 2nd i got a bicolor dottyback and Trochus snail that thrived. alltho now the dottyback is out due to eating up tank inhabitants :P(set my tank up in february)

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Yay, today my tank clear up and is very clear. But the weird thing is this happened in like a hour? Is this normal to be hardly able to see through the tank and in about an hour the water becomes very clear?

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Wow, I just tested my water and my ammo is 8.0 or higher! It might be lower because I'm not in natural sunlight. Should I add Amquel+ or Ammo-lock to lower this because I don't want the Life I still have to die.

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