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Kogut's 20L Ver. 2


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Well... It's finally time for me to break out a new thread for my tank. Normally I thumbnail pictures, but I'm going to throw in a bunch of nice pics today. For those of you new to my tank, here are the specs:


AGA 20Long Tank

250 watt XM HQI DE Metal Halide Pendant

CPR 20" AquaFuge w/ CurrentUSA 18watt light

AquaC Remora w/ MaxiJet1200

SEIO 620 + 340gph Penguin 1140


Let's start w/ some tank pics, shall we?


Angle shot like the cool people @ RC.



Full Shot from far away.



Full Shot from closer...



Those work for your Remora needs, travis? ;)


Full Shot of the tank.



The right side (to show the skimmer)...



Shot from the top looking at the right side.



Pics are still coming.......

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Okay. Let us continue on w/ some pictures of my fish, shrimp, and other livestock...


Clown and RBTA w/ Flash




Conch w/ big hermit following close behind...




Mandarin. He's still nice and fat, eating mysis, and I still see tons of pods in the tank. He's been here for about 1 month.



1 of the 3 Sexy Shrimp!



Clam w/ the peppermint shrimp!



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sir winston mulligan

awesome tank and great pics!! those chains holding your pendant (in your second pics) arent about to giveway are they??

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Here are some of the corals...


Tri-Color Acro. There's a small acro crab in here, too. One of the sexy shrimp likes to hang out around it, too.



Stag Frag (was brown, now turning teal)



Slimer Frag



Pavonia frag



Small frag of a monti cap... Was 2x this size, but kept falling over and into other corals... Finally in place now...



Frag of a hydnophora. Favorite hang-out of one of the sexies.



This acro was purple/pink. It turned brown in a near-crash. Now it's purple and teal w/ orange polyps. Reaaaally fuzzy.



This acro is really bright green. Pic doesn't do it justice. There's a cool little acro crab that lives inside the colony, too. It's fallen a few times, but is doing great now.


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Another of the tri-color.



Light that I have over the fuge. There's an 18watt 50/50 bulb in there, now. I want to switch over to a 6500 or 7500 eventually to help the chaeto grow even more...



Here's my frogspawn that I picked up from Tigahboy after months and months of pestering. ;) It's almost ready to frag, but he gets 1st shot at it, and there will probably be only 1 fragging for now. I circled where 1 of the sexy shrimps is in the 1st pic. They all like to hang out inside it, especially at night when the other corals aren't needed for shade.





This little acro frag was also from Tigahboy's tank. It was very blue, but lost its color in one of the near-crashes. It's regaining its color slowly but surely. Some snail was eating the flesh from the bottom of it a few weeks ago... It is now gone, and the coral is recovering.



Great macro shot of my candy cane frag. It is puffy now, but wasn't when I took the pic...



This started as a 1cm x 1cm piece of brown montipora digita that broke off of a frag I sold... It's now growing and slowly encrusting. Always very fuzzy.



One of my favorite pics. The baby maxima clam that I picked up @ Jeff's in Orange a few weeks ago.


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Originally posted by sir winston mulligan

awesome tank and great pics!! those chains holding your pendant (in your second pics) arent about to giveway are they??


No no. They are very sturdy and the pendant weighs next to nothing. They simply look like that because I openned the links and was too lazy to close them. ;)


Thanks for the compliments!

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The tank is realy looking good Kogut. I get my Remora this Tuesday. have you noticed a difference in your tank yet?

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very nice, love the mandarin and the acros, you cant see how nice htey are in the FTS's but the macros you posted are very clear, they look really cool, the clams too

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Kogut: man, your SPS frags are amazing!


it seems like my tank is a SPS death trap, it's nice to see you having such good success with SPS with your setup. i guess 150w compared to 250w is a big diff in "capabilities" when it comes to caring for SPS. btw, what new camera did you get?

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Got the Nikon 5400! :) All the reviews from people are either "it's great!" or idiots saying, "it's stupid since the new Cannon G Series is out!" I'll take my $600 Nikon 5400 for the $300 I paid over the $700 cameras any day of the week! ;)


I'm glad you guys like my SPS. The FTS is crap, I know. I'll work on it tonight...


Travis, I have noticed a difference. It makes almost no bubbles now. I have the collection cup waaay up, and it still produces nice, dark foam that quickly liquifies... In retrospect, it would be nice to have the drain fitting drilled and/or the bigger collection cup, but those things can come later. It is actually really low maintenance. I only run it from when I wake up through when I go to bed, also. I love that it actually takes up less room than my damn Seaclone and its MJ1200 + the sponge + the venturi adapter. I'd recommend the skimmer in a heart beat to anyone, and I know you'll love it!

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Okay. I had to get the camera out and grab a pic of one of the sexy shrimp on the tri-color acro. This macro is just plain awesome! Enjoy!




And I'm looking for a good tall container for top-off water... Hopefully I can find something at target...

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Thanks! It's from Tigahboy's tank. :P I'm waiting for it to finish calcifying, then it's going to be fragged and part of it sent back over to the new 67. ;)

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Haha. I think I'm going to have to hold Tigahboy's frag of it hostage for a while until I can get a frag of that rainbow acan! :P Perhaps I will be able to bribe him w/ some snails... I have baby margarita snails running rampant through my tank now... Hundreds upon hundreds of them... When they do get too big, I'm going to try and trade/sell them to people... I'm sure I'll eventually just tell people to come pick them up for free... But for now, the little guys (smaller than a finger nail) can stay since they don't knock things over and eat plenty of algae from everywhere. ;)



So... Does anyone have fish suggestions since I'm in the market again? ??? I still want my fridmani psuedochromis (orchid dottyback)... But can't decide on another... :| (Bioload really isn't an issue w/ the fuge, remora, and weekly 10-20% water changes...

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Okay. I got tired of not having a top-off system... Prior to right now, I've had to take a pot into the kitchen 2x per day, unhook the drinking water faucet, hook up the RO/DI, fill the pot, unhook the RO/DI, and re-attach the regular faucet. Not anymore! :) Here's what I did....


Hook up the RO/DI... Then go to your local Target (thanks, Tigahboy for the suggestion) and pick up a "Wrapping Paper Container". Should run you <$10... Turn on the RO/DI pumping into the container (took me about 10 minutes w/ my Kent Marine Hi-S 4 Stage RO/DI filter).



Now... Drag the heavy thing back to your room. (This is a challenge, believe me... I can barely lift it and I'm no lightweight.


Push aside all the food and chemicals you have for your tank to make room for it. Next, slide it into place where you wish it to be situated...



Take your old MaxiJet1200 (which will be swapped w/ my Rio620 that pumps into the fuge in a day or so) and attach some tubing to the output (I used 3/8" ID and made it stretch around the fitting for a secure fit). Now, put the pump at the bottom of the container. The cord will fit under the lid when it snaps down. Take the tubing and run it through the handy little hole @ the back of the lid that serves as an openning for the hatch lever. Put the tube in your tank and turn on the power to the pump whenever you need a quick top-off of fresh RO/DI water!


The end result!



I need to get a float switch so that I don't have to turn on the damn thing, but for now, this works... The pump does make the water move really fast, which is why I want to swap it w/ the rio.

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Man Kogut, it sure does take awhile to load all the pictures lol. It took me 10 Minutes to see your latest project and I have DSL lol.


I think you should get the Float Switch. Mine works realy well for me :)

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Okay. I spent some of my hard earned birthday money (lmao) on a rock of nice looking zoanthids. Here are the pics. (Sorry for the size :).











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After I fragged these guys up...










and a pic of the 2 Clams...




The polyps are all coming out now... They didn't like being in a pot and having their rock struck repetedly w/ a screwdriver being hit by a hammer... ;) More pics later once the water clears and they're all out...

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Nice Zoos, Love the clams, and I hate the substrate :P


So...when you get to fragging that Frog Spawn, give me a holla :D

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haha. It goes to Tigahboy 1st. And The only frag that it looks like I can do is splitting it in 1/2 (3 heads each). :( It appears that many of my zoas are those light blue/yellow ones that have been going for $3-$6 per polyp lately. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. Been reeeaaallly busy w/ school since I have finals this week and next week. Here are some pics of the zoas and such for you all to look at...


Here ya go... Thumbnailed for your convenience... I'll explain each one as we go along.


bigrockfront3dh.th.jpg orangegreenclose4jp.th.jpg

The big rock...



Light blue center w/ yellowish-green rims. Very bright colors, IMO.


frag9kt.th.jpg fragtop21lm.th.jpg

That is a frag of at least 15 polyps of the zoas in the first picture.



I have a few polyps of this color available. They're on the frag below...



A few polyps of the purples...



The one frag has about 15 polyps of the 1st color morph, and there's a couple polyps right next to it of the purples.


I really did get a lot of different colors on this $40 rock of zoanthids. More to follow...

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