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Image downsize?


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you need some type of photoshopping software. adobe photoshop, jasc paint shop pro etc... even microsoft powerpoint or corel presentations can reduce your images. i like paint shop pro as i can not only easily resize the image but also compress it to keep the file size low and not lose much image information. a typical 2048x1536 (3.2 MP) of a outdoor scene based on a superfine setting would be around 800 - 900 kb in JPEG format. after resizing it (25% of original size) for web and compressing it would be about 100kb

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just use MS Paint... if your using windows, you have it. Just use the "stretch/skew" option and specify the percentage you would like the pic. ie: you want it half as big, put 50% :)

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If you want you can e-mail it to me @ rbaby@softhome.net and I will web optimize it to maintain quality and reduce size...and I'll send it back to you.


Reducing a jpeg in a program like MS Paint just means that you're reducing the image *size*...not file size per se. I can keep the size of the image (LxW) but reduce the file size so you can upload.

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