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Cultivated Reef

where should I drill my 12g?


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I am planning to drill my acrylic 12g eclipse to hook up to my new sump, and I am not sure what would be the best way to set it up.


should I just do two returns at the top corners, or should i do more at different levels of the tank?


Any drawings or examples would be great. Thanks.

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For the outflow: Drill the tank on the back in the upper left or right corner and leave at least 2" space between the corners or the tank will be more likely to crack while drilling (not so likely with acrylic). Get a bulkhead, an elbow adapter and strainer to adjust the water level.


For the inflow: Get 2 nice U-Tubes with a nozzle that you can adjust to direct the flow.




Hope this helps!

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i guess i'm not so worried about the outflow, but I am not sure what to do for the inflow. Should I just do two inputs near the top or two near the top and one in the middle, or also two on the bottom?


What will give the best flow? I am trying hopefully to make it so i don't have to get any powerheads. I have a big enough pump, that is not the issue, I just dont know where to put the holes so that the tank gets the best coverage with flow.


Any ideas? thanks

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If you insist of drilling the inflows I would place them both more towards the top and then maybe add a nozzle to direct the flow or you will have a non-lateral flow that won't give you an optimal flow. The over-the-edge optimal flow would be an inflow on top, middle section and bottom, but that'd push it a little over the top. Two inflows with nozzles will do just fine.

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I hate those u-shape things, plus they are too big to set on my tank right. Here is a pic of something I was thinking of. Any opinions or suggestions would be great. 7402drilling.JPG

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Hard to say, because it depends on your rock work. I would still go with a lateral flow, because pushing your water against the rockwork from the back won't do you any good.


Use your judgement of what setup might be reasonable and looks natural. A flow from the back alone probably looks more like a whirlpool, not like an aquarium. Your setup it will not really flow through the rockwork from behind anyway and will create a ton of undesirable turbulences.

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I hate the U-tubes also. You should look into the lok-line tubing... you guys should carry it if you dont, its awesome.

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for the loc line, do i just need the threaded connector and a flair nozzel, or does there have to be an adaptor inbetween those two?



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Much better!! Don't forget an elbow and strainer to adjust your water level in the main tank. Otherwise (depending on the flow) you level will just be a tad, maybe half, above the bottom of the outflow and it would look "weird". A strainer, because you don't want to collect your dead future fish in the fuge/sump. ;-)


Good luck!

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Don't forget an elbow and strainer to adjust your water level in the main tank. Otherwise (depending on the flow) you level will just be a tad, maybe half, above the bottom of the outflow and it would look "weird".


Yah, your right, maybe i should go ahead and do the durso mod too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

oops, forgot to label. In pic 1, that thing at the bottom is a spray bar.


also this is for an sps tank, so needs good flow!

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