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Cultivated Reef

small, quiet skimmer?


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Hey all,


I have a 7gal mini-bow with a 70W MH and 32W PC actinic on it. For filtration, i've relied on my AC300 fuge that is very well populated with a couple types of calerpa, and water changes. However, I have been very busy at work lately and let a few water changes slip, and noticed a huge decline in the health of a few of my sps's (monti cap in particular). I know that having a skimmer on the tank really helped stabilze things on my big tank that i used to have (65gal, pre-nano days).


So, I'm looking for a small, hang-on-back skimmer that is as quiet as possible, as the tank is in our family room and my fiance doesn't like a lot of noise coming from the tanks. On a previous tank, i had the red sea prizm, but I think that might be too big for the 7gal. Is there any other venturi-type ph driven skimmers that are small, or conversely, a reliable air-stone driven skimmers out there that someone could recommend?




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sorry budy- no small skimmer w/ venturi thats quiet that i can think of- (besides the air driven "midiflotor" but dont know how well those work)


IMHO, i would just leave the mini bow w/o a skimmer- just do the water changes frequently, and you should be fine. the reason your 65 did better is not b/c of the skimmer necessarily-its b/c of the sheer size of water volume and its tendency to remain more stable than a 7 would.

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There really isn't a skimmer that would fit the bill for you right now. AquaC is developing a smaller version of the Remora which would work for you but it is not in production yet as far as I know. Just keep it skimmerless and do the water changes, at least for now. Skip

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