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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Greg's 20L


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The tank has been going for over 3 months, however the lights are relitivly new and i thoguht i would share. the equiptment is as follows:

AGA 20L with black silicone back paited black

small HOB for carbon

maxi jet PH

1.5" LS

15 Lbs LR

150 watt Aqua Medic Ocean Light 20K bulb


2 pepirmint shrimp



1 green/blue reef chromis


Clean up crew











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I thought i would add a price list to help if someone was intrested

AGA tank $30

Filter $15

Heater $15

Aqua Medic Ocean Light $250

Stand FREE but if i payed for it it would have been $70

Sand $20

LR $100

shrimp $8 each

Xenia Free from LFS

Chromis $3

Shrooms $40

Ric $5

Well that's about it... o and PH for $15. well hope that helps someone if they were wondering

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I did not get a meat coral but i got two cool corals at a relitivly good price. I bought a single head of frogspawn for $20 and a plate coral for $20. The frogspawn is small and isnt very long at the moment but hopefully he will grow fast and be big enough to hoast a clown soon, and the plate is awsome, ate the front half of a silverside today. I'll post pics as soon as i can

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well i finally got pics. My plate coral is looking great, I've fed him 3 or 4 times and he eats it all up fast. His tissue has puffed up big and he looks really healthy.



This is a really fuzzy pic of my frogspawn. It is one head but the tissue has grown even since I bought it.



I am also planning on buying a small clam soon, just gatta wait till my order comes in.

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that frogspawn is a cute lil guy. very poooooofy. I think I like your "less is more" LR arrangement. the open space is a nice effect. I want to definitely have some open space too when I set-up my upgrade.

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Yea, thanks coming from you thats a big compliment, I really used your tank as a model for some parts, mainly the light. I am planning on adding a little more rock as soon as I get my sump setup. But I really like to have the room for my fish to swim and room for things to be on the sand bed. I have actually noticed some growth on the froggy even after 3 weeks. I'm still waiting till hes big enought for a clown to hoast.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tigah: What are you upgrading to? I ask because I am considering an upgrade top a 55 that I have sittig in my basement.


Also, does your Aqua Medic light cover your tank well? I ask because I have a 30L that is 36" long.


phergus_25: I really am not tryong to hijack your thread. I really like the looks of your tank also. I may try a little more open space on my next one as well.

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no problem man, he is upgrading to a custom 67 gal acrylic. check out his thread for more info. I'm planning on adding updates today with a full tank and some close ups.

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I havent really changed much in the tank over all. I have moved a few rocks a little and thats about it. The tank over has matured a good bit though.


Heres a pic of the whole tank, I'm still planning on adding some rock to the left, like a shelf for some SPS and just to have the cave and stuff.



Heres justa little closer pic of the tank



I know due to my lack of camera skills the camera is easly destinguishable in the pics sorry, but you get the idea.


Heres a pic of the plate, you can see a small peice of food that fell in his mouth. He catches food and spratically gets fed a silverside.




Heres a pic of the froggy and the ric. I hope the Ric gains more of a cool color, he gets uglier and uglier by the day. But if he gets too bad i'll move him to a less obvious place or add a few better colored ones around him.




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Here is a pic of my new brain and nudibranch. I know nudibranches dont have a good track record buti though i would try since he is so cool.



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well damn i just found out that my nudibranch is gonna die, they eat only one kind of spoung. so i'm going to be taking him back soon and trading him and soem xenia to get another coral

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Originally posted by phergus_25

Here is a pic of my new brain and nudibranch.  I know nudibranches dont have a good track record buti though i would try since he is so cool.  




really love that red lobophillya:P must try to find one nw:D

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lgoins it's unfortunate that they will even sale those nudi's

I agree, i am friends with the store owner so i am going to see if i can convince him to stop stocking them. I think its rediculus to stock an animal that you know will eventualy die for only $13 dollars.


really love that red lobophillya must try to find one nw

Thanks i envy your tank each time i see it. I plan on having quite a few LPS, but not the the extent of your tank.

Well thanks to everyone for checking it out.

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After talking to the LFS they say that they do not but those nudis they accidentaly got thipped to them. I also had quite a shcoking experiance, I went and bought on of the coralife digital themometer and come to find that my tank is at 85.9 degrees. DAMN. So I'm working to fix that as we speak. I'll post pics later today.


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awsome, thanks its coming along. I want to get some encrusting SPS or LPS to fill it in, i'm not much for zoas tho they would spread quickly. The light is great, Tho i want a diff bulb color, a more blue 20K. Did you get the 20K or the 10K?

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