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my 20 long


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My 20 gallon long





-150watt Metal Halide


-maxi-jet 900 w/ hydorflow, maxi-jet 600




greenstar polyp

kenya tree

orange yumas

open brain

light blue rics

torch coral


orange plate

green monti

bali slimer



pagoda cup


green bubble

red/pink zoa

red shrooms

crocea clam


Pictures further down the page

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I have a 20L and I had the 30 inch orbit fixture (I think that is the one you are talking about). I don't think a clam is a realistic idea, although a derasa is most likly possible, I was able to keep monti caps with full colouration near the top, but why not go for a MH system? I just upgraded to a 250w MH (you can easily get away with a 175 or 2 70s, i just got a 250w in case I upgrade my tank, did I just say in case.. i meant when HA). Realistically you can keep anything under the sun that isn't an SPS, and Montis will do pretty well if they are close to the surface. I would get a refractometer, simply because my hydrometer was really off, I got a refractometer and my tank was at 1.029, not the 1.0245 I thought it was at. If you can fit it, I would get more LR, but it isn't crucial (lots of articles on how much LR is actually adequate), however it gives more construction options, and more headaches, but I like it, more room for wierd critters and filtration. The aquaclear (what size) will not help you much, I would say scrap the filter part and turn it into a refugium (if it is big enough), or otherwise just run carbon. Are you putting a skimmer on? I took mine off, gonna see how that works out. What kind of water DI or RO/DI or Tap.. stay away from tap if possible, the algae is a headache. I would say get some nice zoanthids and ricordia, a blastomussa and some euphillias (keep in mind euphyliads pack a punch and will need at least a 4 or 5 inch dead zone so they don't sting other corals). Candy canes are very nice IMO, and GSPs can be a bother (they grow fast apparently) but ad a nice lawn effect to the tank. I think your flow is good I have 2 MJ 600, an AC 500, and it is a little on the excessive side, but I have SPS in there so I think i need it. As always go slow, and good luck

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

To post more than one picture upload your picture to the gallery. Then when you post go to your pictures Right click on them and go to prperties . Next copy the web address and copy it then go to where you want to post and click up top where it says img and a box will appear paste the web address in the box and click ok. repeat for more pictures.

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  • 1 month later...

new pic, sorry for the ######y pics.


full tank


yuma, rics, zoa, kenya tree, GSP, little red shrooms, pagoda(i know its not an softie)


trumpet, brain, plate, torch, and ehinopora(i know its not an LPS)


Does anyone know why my yuma looks this way


crocea from the top


crocea 3"


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