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Cultivated Reef

Don't know what to do.


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I've got a 10gal tank with a fuge on the back with some macroalage in it. Well some of the macroalage got into the main tank and its growing on everything. I have to pull it out a couple times a week. What should I do? Is there a fish or something I can buy that will eat this stuff or am I just in trouble?

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You're in trouble. I have a similar problem with a macro that ws on a frag I bought. Now it's everywhere.


Depending on the type of macro some hermit crabs may munch on it. Emerald/mithrax crabs are known to eat a variety of algaes, but will also eat leftover food and dead organisms. Lettuce nudibranches will help with bryopsis and hair algae, but are prone to getting sucked into filter intakes and powerheads. Sea hares will chow down on some macros, but can ink your tank if stressed.


Try checking the water for phosphates and using something like Rowaphos or Phosban if necessary. Water changes will also help decrease phosphate and nitrates which are food for algae (as long as you are using RO or RO/DI water).


And keep on tearing it out. :P

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Not sure what type it is but nothing in my tank will eat it. Was thinking maybe some kind of fish would eat it and that would help me keep it under control. Bicolor Bleeny maybe?

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In my experience, Lawnmower blennys although "ugly" (IMHO) do the best job at algae control in conjunction with snails. I had a bad macro problem and a few days later, gone...


good luck

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