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Live Rock stupid question of the day!


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I have some love rock on order and I am concerned out the temperature out side while it is shipping (idaho). Do I need to be really concerned about lots of die off if its gets a little chilled?



It is being shipped UPS from cali so it won't be in the cold (truck) for more than 15 hours



Any thoughts on this?? I only about 10lbs coming

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usually livestock is shipped with heat packs or cold packs depending on the weather. you are going to get a lot of die off regardless, but don't worry, you will see plenty of critter that survive the trip once your tank is established

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I just ordered some rock as well (from Cali to IL) and asked the company to ship with heat packs which they said they would do. I would just contact whomever you ordrered them from and ask them if they will ship with them. 15 hours would be plently long enough for the rock to freeze if it gets cold enough outside

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I doubt they will fully emerse the LR when packing it since that would add a lot more to the cost of shipping...so there will be die off...LOTS....cure it well, my friend...cure it well.

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