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Top Shelf Aquatics

would you buy this...?


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just wondering, I am thinking about making a tank to trade for frags.... I would trade it or sell it (then use the money for frags...) so... if I did make it, would you buy it, if so for how much?

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Blind Tree Frog

It's a lovely picture, but the colors aren't my thing. How large a print are we talking?




How easily can one get to the pump for cleaning/replacement?

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I get it Blind tree frog, I think. You will have to elaborate just so I can say for sure that I know what you are talking about. I would buy it, I wouldn't trade anything for it 'cause I don't have anything to trade.




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those tanks usually sell for over 100 bucks easy.

not really a trading peice to make. it is more along the lines of something to sell and make some money!

i take it you have some real good experience in making these types of projects?


acrylic or glass?



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not a whole lot of experience... but I can have cuts made for $1, so I dont need to cut it... and using welldon could be THAT hard, could it? just like calking in a bathroom or somthing, just you need to be cleaner...

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Using weldon isnt hard, if you dont mind bubbles. Seriously, its and art and it takes a lit of practice to make a perfect seem on a tank, a lot harder to do than caulking a bathroom.

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well hopefully I will get a homedepot gift cert. for X-mas (thats what I asked my grandma for) so then I can buy the acrylic. I dont mind bubbles, but the person buying might... so If I mess up I could just keep it. My 10G had a crack (well more like a shatter... so I have a space for another tank...) and if it does look good then I will sell it and make another one... (for myself :))

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Don't use extruded (aka the stuff from HD) for any tanks. Extruded absorbs 10x the moisture that cast does and leads to crazing in the joints and eventually seam failure. That is why aquariums are never made from extruded acrylic.


And like someone said earlier, using Weld-on is an art form and it takes a lot of pratice to get clear joints. I still get a small bubble every now and then and I've been doing this for a long time! :)

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well... I think its worth a try, if it bubbles I dont care I will use it, and if it looks good-ok then I will sell it (or try :P) I will tell you when I start... probably not until after x-mas...

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