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How quickly can u add fish, post-cycle?


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Hey guys i have a 20gal tank that is 2 months old, levels are all stable, 20lbs live sand, 15lbs live rock, and there is currently a clown in it. I've been QT'ing a royal gramma and a firefish for 1.5 weeks and they look healthy. My question is at what interval do you recommend adding the fish? How long will it take the bacteria to grow and accomidate the additional ammonia being produced? I'm assuming it would not be a good idea to add them both at the same time. Lemme know what you suggest.

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there is no special "equation" that it takes for bacteria to accomodate extra waste. what you need to do is continue testing, with one fish you probably wont see a spike in much if anything and your tank will continue to be stable. i usually wait for a week or so to add anything else if all tests read safe. i would add the firfish next and continue to observe levels, if all looks good give it a week buffer or so and add the gramma

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you need to take longer than normal because you are light on rock. you only have 15 pounds, which equates to a 10g tank not a 20g tank. and you already have a clown. the idea of having a larger tank is to be able to increase bioload (fish). we can do that cause a larger tank allows more space for rock, which is the filter. however, if you dont use the extra 'rock space' you just as well have a smaller tank, because you have a small tanks bioload capabilities.




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