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is it 2 soon


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I was just wondering if it would be to soon to add a secound fish to my 12 gal. bow front nano cube. right know i have 7 snails 3 red hermits and a black percula. i wanted to know if i could put another perc in after just putting in the percon the 27 of nov i would like to put one in on the 2nd or 3rd of dec. is it to soon. thanx for the advise in a head.

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you should be fine.


the problem is that when you add a second it should be quite a bit smaller than the first one. two of close to the same size might fight.


its best to wait until the first one grows and get a visibly smaller one later. the larger would become a female, the smaller a male, making a pair.


this increases the chance for peace in your tank.





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