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Tank Size for Beginner?


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Well I am one of those that thinks a nano cube is a waste of cash unless you wanna keep it stock.


I started with one and think what I could have if I was smart and built my own aga system. i have shared that thought before and got blasted for it but hey They really are a basic half ass reef tank.

Build your own setup dude it will pay off in the end remember metal halide!

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Agreed. Unless you're keeping your cube stock, get something else. The stock DX though isn't too terrible. I wouldn't describe it as "half-ass." It's got to be at least three quarters.



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Ebin: you and I seem to think eye-to-eye across the board. Every post I read from you is definitely on point w/ my perspectives. I don't know what the point was for saying that. but yeah.


Uglybuckling: clear your PM, dude. I know you are a popular guy, but after my 10th attempt to PM, this is a little ridiculous! LOL. ditch the groupies and let me get a PM thru!


Kappa:...I just don't know what to say to you. *shakes head* hahah.

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I appreciate all the opinions I've gotten. I've got a couple more months until I make a final decision and will continure to read, read, and read!


BTW, Natural Reef Aqauriums is the only saltwater reference I've got so far. As far as I can tell, Tullock suggests a tank of 20 gallons or more for the novice marine aquarist. He also says something smaller can be done, but with rigorous attention to maintenance chores, and appropriate specimens. I guess that part's on me.



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Originally posted by damikester

I appreciate all the opinions I've gotten.  I've got a couple more months until I make a final decision and will continure to read, read, and read!


Yes read! Its been almost a year and Im still reading with a 4 month old tank. So yes, read, read, read. When your tank is set up, its a different story. Its going to be more like wait, wait, and wait. Patience is virtue in this hobby. Good luck.

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Ohnestly, I think I screwed up in this hobby starting with the nano cube because I bought it before learning of nano-reef forums. I should have started with a .5 gallon cute acrylic cube tank w/ 9 watts.

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