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the clown and the anemone


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I recently puchased a true percula clow and he is doing great. plays in the current but I think he needs a place to rest, I would love nothing more than for him to host in a BTA. Do true Percs tend to like these or is something alese better suited for my nano-cube? Thanks in advance.

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BTA are one of the few that are semi-suited for a nano, but they grow large and may sting corals. Percs can host BTA's as well as a soft coral. BTA are not begginer animals though and you have to do research before you buy to make sure it is the right desicion. Also, it is reccomended that your tank matures.

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cool thanks he seems to only swim in the current he will eat but I never see him leave the front glass of my tank. Anyone know why this is. I would love if he would pay attention to my gsp's.

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