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Coral Vue Hydros

hi all you nano lovers and fanatics. i just brought home a 5, gallon corner eclipse.


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my question is> it comes with a 10w 5100k power compact bulb. what corals if any can i keep under this lighting? also what kind, and how many fish can i have in it? any help would be highly appreciated! thanx in advance for looking...............:)

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I'd say one small fish and possibly mushrooms and zoos. That's not very much light at all, though, so they might lose some color and might not be incredibly happy. You might want to retrofit some more lighting in there. Maybe other owners of the 5g corner might be able to offer more insight.

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Welcome to the club Chaotic!


As for your question, I wouldn't put any corals under such a setup. You might get away with some lower end mushrooms as mentioned but they wouldn't really thrive. in the end it would be a slow end to them.


the problem with the eclipse tanks is that they are so constraining. They come with fixed hoods that only house limited lighting capabilities. in the end most eclipse users have to rip the cover apart and mod it with a beefier light fixture.


I would seggest that you look into a PC light fixture or add some end caps before you head into coral territory.


Good luck!


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