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We bought some beautiful new rock today with wonderful coral growth on it.... If we were to buy crabs would the break it?



whole aquascaping so far



close up



whole rock


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Hey your rock looks great! I don't know how long you've had your tank set up for, it doesn't look like you have anything in there yet. The pinkish purple stuff growing on your rocks isn't coral its plating coralline algae. I don't know what kind of crabs you would like to add, but hermit crabs are a good start, blue legs are inexpensive and they won't eat the coralline algae and they clean up the bad algae. Make sure your calcium is in the 400 range if you want to keep the Coralline growing. Since its a new tank it most likely isn't even close to being that high yet you'll need to get some sort of Calcium Additive. I use SeaChem products but you can also use Kalkwasser. Since it's new you'll probably start seeing your Coralline turning white and disappearing, it will come back as the tank matures. Good luck!

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