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Cultivated Reef

Leather Tree Coral


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I recently purchased a nice looking green coral from a LFS. They had it marked as a soft leather coral. It looks like a tree coral though. Are they one in the same just different names? Also when he was at the store his polyps were fully extended and looked really nice, however once I got him home his polyps never came out. That was two weeks ago. He is still alive since the spots were his polyps are are quite bumby and seem to raise and lower every once and a while. Also one of the snails bumbed into him and he shrank wayy down but came back to his original size later. I have 32wt PC 50/50 lights on about 12hours a day and the water parameters are 79 F, 1.023 SG, amm & Nitrite 0 and nitrate 20.


Should I try feeding him some liquid food or is it normal for corals not to extend their polyps if they are not in need of external food.



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