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Sun Corals


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That is what sun corals do, they don't really like light that much, they like to be put in caves and out of the light. That would be the best way to get them to open up during the day. Don't quote me on this, but, I believe that they filter feed at night."

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it is non photosynthetic and needs no light to feed , it is not a filter feeder I feed mine brine every other night. they dont really need to be burried back in some cave mine does fine in a lower lit area. this thread may help you understand how to keep yours better i made my feeder out of a bottle like it says and my coral eats healthy



good luck

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You can "teach" them to open during the day if you pick a time during the day to feed them and stick to it.


Mine stays open almost all the time now regardless of light.

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Originally posted by xcajx

You can "teach" them to open during the day if you pick a time during the day to feed them and stick to it.


Mine stays open almost all the time now regardless of light.


yeah, you need to coax them to feed by blowing food into the tubes everyday. I feed my black sun coral in a seperate bowl be swriling around zooplankton with the turkey baster. At first the polyps were reluctant to come out, but now they are coming out more and catch trhe food.

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