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Coral Vue Hydros

3month old red sea max nano g2 xl

kevins red sea max g2 xl

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kevins red sea max g2 xl

1000001962.thumb.jpg.5586989fdb443b8b21787f66db21f7c2.jpgJust getting back into the hobby after a 3 yrs of having no tank...I am not a rookie and have had bigger tanks in the past.

This tank has been up for 3 months, its a 33gallon all in one,  i cycled the tank with dr tims one  and only with caribsea live sand and man made rocks

The most of the corals have been added right away after a week and the fish has been added at the 2week mark when no ammonia was detected, No ugly stage of yet, very slight diatom at the 1month mark. I believe getting a lot of hardy corals in the tank from the start has contributed to  having a minimal ugly stage....The red sea skimmer that is in these tanks do an incredible job of skimming and works really well. My coral on the sand bed has dropped 2 babies in 2 months and looks like he is having more. I under estimated the stretch on the coral in the sandbed, he is taking a lot of real estate on this small tank, seems like he blew up in 2month times and going crazy .












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Nice set-up, the coral selection has some great movement going on.


I'd agree with hardy corals, which to me means a reasonable colony not frags, as overtime I've observed greater adaptation and growth.


Look forward to seeing the 6 month update 

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kevins red sea max g2 xl

yeah, a  lot of movement.  I love a lot of movement in my little reef.  I really hate the look of little sticks stuck everywhere on a new tank.. I wish more ppl would start their tanks with easier corals and have success then stick a bunch of sticks in a new tank and quit in 3months when they all die.

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