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Fireball Angel dying

Tang lover

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Tang lover

Hello I have a fireball Angel which looks to be dying because it keeps lying on its side but there is no signs of ich velvet lympho nothing tank parameters are fine no one is bullying him and his tail has got a massive rip in the middle but no one is bullying him he bully’s everyone else

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How long have you had it? 

what other fish are in the tank? 


Is it breathing heavy? 


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36 minutes ago, Tang lover said:

2 clowns


He isn’t breathing heavy



Have you had any other fish die? It seems you had a damsel recently? What kind of clowns?


How long have you had the angel? Was it healthy and eating before? 


Velvet can kill quick but there would be labored breathing. 


Can you post a photo of the fish? The tail rip could be a clean up crew trying to eat him already if its not aggression. They can sense when something is dying even before it is actually dead. 


When a fish gets to the point of laying down, there is often not much we can do. 

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Tang lover

It is still alive no the damsel was aggressive so gave it to lfs and no fish have died and I have no cuc and he sometimes swims and sometimes lies down his colours are faded and he does swim but he just sometimes lays down and he isn’t eating is it worth putting this in @Tamberav


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2 hours ago, Tang lover said:

I have added it in I realy want to save him 

Is he in a quarantine tank?


Do not put copper in the display. It kills inverts and is absorbed by the rock making it ineffective. 

Unfortunately dosing copper without a test kit is risky, but it’s likely the copper in this medication is low that it doesn’t need a test kit but also that it won’t work.


You haven’t really described anything that would lead me to think it is a certain disease. Copper is for velvet and ich but I would suspect we would see heavy breathing, scratching, spots, something. 

Flukes would be scratching at the gills or yawning. 


what size is the tank? Can you post a photo? I wonder if something is stressing the fish out. 

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1 hour ago, Tang lover said:

It is a 10g and he does swim and eat but a lot of the time he lies down as if he is dying


Is the 10g the display size?


If so, my guess is the small tank size is the problem and the fish is acting stressed with no where good to hide and no room to move. 


They are active fish and I wouldn't consider anything smaller than a 3 foot long tank, around 40 gallons min. Remember this fish just came from the ocean, this type of fish swims a lot, and it had all the room in the world in the ocean just not that long ago. A 10g is just far too small, Even for a quarantine tank, a 20g long would be better for this fish for temporary keeping and a 40+ for a permanent home. 


A dying fish would not be eating but stressed fish will often be pale and may act strangely. 






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